Sensitive Soul - where do you draw the line of caring?
Sensitive introverts often have huge, caring hearts.
They care about other people, nature, the environment, Mother Earth, their loved ones, friends, colleagues, a random person on a street corner without food or shelter, a bear that was kept on a chain for years, a huge, old tree that is chopped down, Black Lives Matter, the MeToo movement, people who are treated unfairly….
The list goes on, and you get my point.
It includes tapping together for the challenges with 'caring too much'.
Shine the Light in the Dark Corners
My husband and I had a discussion over the weekend. We were talking about the patterns we all have that keep repeating over and over. And the emotions we have as a result of those patterns… and even some of the patterns that repeat because we have certain emotions.
For instance:
Someone that feels anxious about a friend’s reaction, so they don’t say no.
Then, because they keep saying yes, they have way too much on their plate. That leads to overwhelm and feeling anxious about everything that needs to get done. It all feels urgent.