On a Personal Note
I said to my husband yesterday, "It feels like the whole world needs a sage-clearing!" I clear my home and office around twice a year but this is on an altogether different scale...
It's crazy how many challenges there are worldwide. Of course, there's always been strife on Mother Earth. It comes into our homes so easily because of the internet, TV and social media. And that can lead to overwhelm, feeling frozen, and not being able to do anything for anyone.
Currently I'm very aware of the Ukraine-Russia war (and all the unbelievable trauma related to that), political scandals in the UK (likely everywhere, but the UK is what I'm most in touch with), devastating floods and damage in South Africa, and many of my friends and family going through exceptionally hard times.
My husband broke out in hives last Friday after what we think was a spider bite, and he's still recovering. The NHS was simply unreachable all of last weekend (when he most needed to see someone) because of unprecedented demand and many staff off work due to isolating.
We truly need to keep our heads and our hearts together in these times. I had a heart-warming, beautiful conversation with another sensitive soul yesterday. She reminded me that healing for collective trauma (that's what we each experience to a greater or lesser degree) happens best in groups. Healing the collective happens in the collective, not
I have not yet scheduled the free EFT tapping call for Ukraine due to a bit of overwhelm, I admit! There's collective trauma in so many places, thus this call might include tapping for similar big events, too. If you want to participate, register below. It doesn't commit you to anything - it simply gives me an indication of interest and time
Also: Happy Easter, and Ramadan Mubarak! Through these challenging times, it's important to keep to the rituals and practices that help ground and stabilise us.
On a Business Note:
An Opportunity to work with me in private sessions
I work with only 6 clients at any one time. 2 spaces have opened up recently. If you have a challenge with emotional components that you'd like to be free of, I warmly invite you to apply.
I usually work with sensitive introverts who are truly ready to do the inner work to transform a challenging situation, a relationship, a career or a traumatic event.
I've been asked recently. Yes, I do work with sensitive extroverts too. 😊
Issues I've helped with:
- Challenges for self-employed sensitive introverts (visibility, being seen, making video's, marketing, judgment, ridicule, criticism, perfection)
- Whether to stay in a career, or change jobs
- Support with how to bring your strengths into your career (recent article about a situation where guilt lead to a career challenge)
- Difficult decisions or inner conflicts in other areas of life
- Anxiety
- Chronic pain
- Embracing yourself as a sensitive introvert, loving your strengths, and putting down the judgements about "being too sensitive"
- Relationship pain (marriage, friendships, siblings, parents)
- Fear of conflict, learning about kind boundaries
- Grief
If you're struggling with an issue and it's not on the list above, please reach out. I don't list everything because it'll be pages long.
How it works:
Apply here for a complementary Chemistry Call, where we determine whether we're a comfortable fit.
It's the furthest thing from a pressured sales call, in case that's a concern for you. It's a heartwarming, friendly conversation between two human beings where I ask a few questions about your challenge, so I can understand what you need. If I can offer my support with my skillset, and it feels like we're a fit, we'll chat about the
We'll work together regularly (twice or four times a month), and discuss fees when we have our conversation. I work with clients Tuesdays, Wednesdays and
How I help:
We'll use EFT (tapping) to get to clarity, relief and freedom about a challenge. You don't have to know anything about EFT to work with me. What makes my work unique in the EFT world, is that I will introduce you to your super powers (Strengths) via CliftonStrengths. It's important to know what's already 'right' with us, when we're working through
If there's a sensitive introvert you know of who might need kind, gentle support, I truly appreciate you forwarding this to them.
Complimentary Tapping Call for Ukraine
We can make a difference in our own little space, even if we can't change world events. A group gathered to tap together, has powerful results. I’ve experienced it over and over. Register your interest here. It’ll be fre*e of charge.
With so much love and kindness,
Hi, I'm Liesel!
I'm a sensitive introvert who loves supporting other sensitive souls to go beyond what they thought were possible for them.
PS: I write about EFT, Strengths, sensitive introverts, emotional issues and a combination. If we're no longer a fit and you have enough emails in your inbox to last you a life time, no hard feelings. Please hit that unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email. I humbly ask you make sure not to hit 'Spam' or 'Junk' - it has a whole cascade effect that you probably didn't intend. 🙏