On a Personal Note
My year started slowly and it suited my introvert nature. Another part of me felt rushed by everyone else around me that seemed to be on top of things already. Trying to keep up with others can feel exhausting. Can you identify?
We had a fantastic visit to South Africa. Sun, warm weather, gorgeous beach walks.
And let's get realistic, too. Stressful travel episodes (3 flights in 24 hours, both there and back), digestive upsets from the low pressure in the cabins (and stress), 24 hour tummy virus just after New Year, challenges to sort out for my dear elderly parents, and being stuck to the couch again for a week, back in England - because of more digestive
Have you noticed how stress affects the weak spot in your system?
For me, it's usually digestion. My tummy had such a hard time for months when we moved to the UK.
As I lay on the couch the 3rd week in January, I had to reflect on what I'd learned in the previous year about our health... how our bodies respond to stress, and how something can become chronic.
I was in a panic for that week, I can tell you, with major pain and discomfort. My acupuncturist had Covid, and my GP's office lines said "Our phone lines are now closed." Trying to make an appointment online, brought me to a time 3 weeks in advance. I needed help NOW!
It reminded me how our nervous system can go so very quickly into overdrive. I felt massive empathy again for anyone living with pain or a chronic condition, where there seems to be no hope or let-up.
I got help eventually by finding a paid online video GP service. I don't like taking allopathic meds - and when I need them, I really, really want them! It worked fast, thankfully. And ugh, 2 weeks later experienced another awful flare-up. The panic came right back.
Yes, I tapped. And used all my self-care tools when I was feeling okay enough to remember them.
Why do I share so much personal stuff with you?
I want you to know I get it. It's tough to go through pain episodes alone. Recovery and healing is not a straightforward affair - there are many ups and downs. One of the best things I learnt last year was that we need to feel safe when we have pain or discomfort. Our nervous systems can start creating pain as a warning signal when we feel unsafe. I wrote articles and
hosted a workshop on this topic last year (article below.)
Exactly because of all my own challenges, I understand the need for support, love and caring during difficult times. That's why I want to host a small EFT tapping group for 4 people living with pain or a chronic condition. Read more below.
The summary: Life has ups and downs, dear . We can't escape them. Some of us suffer more in the health department, others more in the money or relationship department, and so on. None of us escape it. It's clear to me that we can't do
life alone - especially sensitives. We need support, love, caring, kindness and knowledgeable people around us to navigate the stormy seas.
May you find your support in just the right way!