It's not often I write twice in one week.
I wanted to let you know about the Annual Tapping World Summit, in case you don't know about it yet.
It's happening this year for the 14th year in a row, and more than 2,5 million people participated in the past 13!
Perhaps you already know that EFT (tapping) is my absolute go-to method to bring in calmness and peace in dfficult situations, stressful times and uncertainty.
This short email is an invitation to register if you'd like to watch and tap along with 25 experts on different topics. It starts on 28 February, and continues for 10 days.
The entire event is free to attend. If you're a busy person and feel (like me) a bit of FOMO (don't want to miss out if you can't listen to all of them) - you can upgrade to listen and watch at your leisure, forever.
Some (certainly not all!) of the topics for 2022:
- Reclaiming Inner Peace: How to Take Back Your Power, Restore Your Inner Peace and Thrive Even in the Most Turbulent of Times
- Finding the Real You: Using Tapping to Cultivate Inner Peace, Release Self-Doubt and Finally Feel Like You
Are Enough!
- Removing the Inner Obstacles: Tapping to Break Free of the Limiting Beliefs and Inner Obstacles That Keep
You Stuck
- Freeing Yourself from Fear: How to Use Tapping to Finally Start to Thrive, Even During Uncertain
- The People Problem: How to Use Tapping to Improve Your Relationships With Other