“The body is a self-healing organism,
so it's really about clearing things out of the
so the body can heal itself."
- Barbara Brennan -
Have you ever noticed how much your tongue does with your food, without you having the slightest idea? I recently
experienced a painful way to discover this!
I have had a little bump on the front of my tongue for three years. It appeared sometime after I had broken a tooth, and my tongue just wouldn’t leave that rough place alone. It looked like a bigger papilla (or 2 of 3 of them together). Flat, round, pink. Though it was a teeny bit tender here and there, I left it alone.
A 'bumpy' few days
Three weeks ago, it suddenly started to hurt. Eating became hard one Saturday, because every mouthful of food rubbed against the bump, and it hurt like hell. I kept hoping it would improve.
The next day, Sunday, it was
better, and I thought I was out of the woods. But no! Monday it was much worse again. So much so that I took an hour to eat dinner, because I had to figure out ways to eat without having my tongue roll the food around in my mouth. Andrew was away for business so I could eat with an open mouth without disturbing him, lol!
Also… the dentist
Not only did I had this big worry about what the heck was growing on my tongue; I was also due at the dentist the next day for a crown prep appointment of 40 minutes. All I could see in my imaginative brain was how terribly it was going to hurt. If even soft food was hurting so much, how was the dentist going to work in my mouth with her instruments?
I snapped
photos of the bump and its progression for a few days. On Monday night when I went to bed after the loooooong hour eating soft food, I took a photo. It was still pink, but looking more and more raised by the hour… almost like it was filling with fluid.
Errrrr… what is that??
On Tuesday morning, like a good ‘Worrier’, I went straight to the mirror and to my horror, the little thing was now snow-white. It stood out like a sore…. umm… thumb (?) on my tongue! And looked even taller than the previous night.
It had bothered me all night and could no longer try to ignore it. Every word I said meant it ‘bumped’ against the hard palate or front
Calmness helped me think
Early on Tuesday morning I had a calming conversation with my sister. She suggested I asked the dentist to use a numbing cream so we could get the work done.
That provided me
with instant calm – why on earth did I not think of that?! I tend not to use medications much, so those kind of options don’t usually arise for me.
Just experiencing that possibility allowed my brain to feel calmer and think better. I suddenly was feeling resourceful enough to ‘taste my own medicine’ so to speak.
If you’ve been reading my newsletters in this year, you will have heard I’m busy with a course to determine the root cause of health issues and physical symptoms. It's called Meta Consciousness, and takes a holistic look at our entire life.
So, I decided to do a mini-case study on myself and looked up the root emotional issues that can arise on the
Aha! Meta Insight!
I could ask myself the right questions, and it was almost like magic. An event that took place about 3 weeks before, instantly popped into my mind and I KNEW what the root cause was in that moment.
I did 10 minutes of EFT tapping for that event to release the charge in it, and then had to get ready for my 2 client sessions that morning. It was problematic to talk with that painful bumpy thing, yet I got through it.
After the 2nd client, I decided to call the dentist office to mention this problem and ask what she could suggest. The
receptionist said she'd call me back after a word with the dentist.
For breakfast earlier, I could only manage yogurt mixed with apple sauce. It meant no chewing and I could swallow it straight down. It wasn’t very filling, and my tummy was rumbling at this point! I fetched more and ate it in my office.
News from the dentist
Just then, the receptionist called and let me know that I needed to come in anyway, so they could see whether they could go ahead with the appointment, or if the bump needed to heal first. I was so relieved that there was a plan.
Then I had the
thought….”My goodness, it didn’t hurt as much to swallow down the appley-yoghurt a moment ago.”
I looked in the mirror for the 10th time that day… to discover to my absolute amazement and great delight that the little bumpy-tongue-thingy was suddenly just completely …. GONE!
There was a
flat, pinkish indentation where it had been. Nothing else. Just a smidgeon of sensitivity, and a little pink spot.
Where had it gone?? It was there for more than 3 years. How had it simply ‘dropped off’ without me noticing?
All my fear about the dental procedure being postponed, suddenly disappeared. Not that I LIKE the dentist or can't wait to go there, as you’ll also know if you’ve read my newsletters before!
In this case, I had some time pressure to get it done asap. I’m going to South Africa for 5 weeks soon to visit my mom in South Africa. I don’t want to encounter tooth
trouble while I'm there and needed it all to be complete.
Fortunately, I was able to show the dentist the photo’s I’d taken. She confirmed that it was nothing sinister - it had a round, even shape. And said I could come back if it grows again, she’ll send me to the right place.
My first
This is my first miracle experience of a health issue that so dramatically changed after I found the emotional root issue behind the tongue-bump. I have another story about a gallbladder polyp which I'll share soon.
I have been in places of ‘no hope’ about a health situation before. And if we don’t
have hope, we have very little to hang on to when things take a long time to heal. If you’re in that space, I’m sorry. Big empathy. Breathing with you.
And may this story serve as a beacon of hope and Light, and a new vision of what’s possible.