Liesel's Self-Study Corner
A few articles you may find valuable:
The Healing Power of Knowing Where to Tap - | Savvy Self Growth for HSPs
Find out why knowing 'where to tap' with EFT for health issues can provide more precise results with the aid of a valuable analytics tool.
The Life Changing
Magic of Small Successes - | Savvy Self Growth for HSPs
What's possible when we keep working on our challenges slowly, patiently, over time?
Understanding and Overcoming Low Mood and Motivation | by Liesel Teversham, HSP Introvert coach | May, 2024 | Medium
This article in a newsletter had the highest number of 'opens' EVER. It probably hit a nerve somewhere. All my articles on Medium are free to read. While you're there, I would so appreciate a few 'claps' on
this article - it will help more people to find it. Just press the little clapping icon a few times (you can clap up to 50 times by pressing it for a long time).
Complexity in our Emotional World (
If you are struggling to get over an issue, you are completely normal. Our issues usually have complex layers - and in this video I share a beautiful quote from one of Brene Brown's books, about
this very thing. Let us make room for complexity in our thoughts and emotional worlds.
EFT for: My project is a mountain (
Have you
been in the place where you need to make progress on a project or goal, yet it feels like a mountain? I'm there at the moment! This video might help you to make a start, and then make more progress. Think of a goal/project where you feel stopped or like you're procrastinating on it... and tap with me to feel calmer, so your brain can think clearly.
Cargo: A poem about your Gifts, by Greg Kimura (
A very meaningful poem about your gifts - and the world needs them so much right now.