Have you ever had a lingering, recurring health annoyance that kept bugging you – but not quite enough to say, “Enough is enough, I’m sorting this out now”?
Welcome - me too.
I think it’s one of those human tendencies… we tend to act when something is towards the unbearable side. Until such time, we will often just live with the discomfort. In my NLP course in 2012, we learnt that we don’t usually move until there is enough aggravation to say ‘NOW I MUST’ – and must is not a want. It is a MUST change.
Recently I experienced a great example of what’s possible when we get to that point of MUST, and the relief of sorting out the issue. The gratitude was even bigger because it was possible with the help of 2 methods I love and use in my practice: Meta Consciousness, and EFT.
Recurring groin pain
I’d been having trouble for a few years with recurring pain in my left groin, just where the thigh muscle lifts the leg. It’s not there all the time. I walk a lot – every day – and it usually doesn’t bother me while I’m walking.
It was especially painful when I’d been sitting for a while, and then had to get up. During bothersome episodes,
there was an instant very sharp pain in that area – right where I imagine the muscles and tendons are involved in lifting the leg. It was ever so painful when I got up from sitting, put weight on that left foot and took the first steps. It often stopped me in my tracks, or I’d have to walk hunched over like an old person for a few steps. Ugh.
I struggled along like this for several years. It would come
and go periodically, yet it never got so bad that I wanted to brave the NHS for a physiotherapy referral. Those could take months and I just managed with the discomfort.
I went for osteopath treatments when it was bad enough, then it would calm down again. Sometimes for months it was not a problem. And out of the blue, my old friend the left groin pain would show up again.
A session to get to the bottom of it
Recently I got fed-up enough to act after 3 weeks of increasing pain, worry and aggravation.
I have a paid EFT session with a skilled EFT Practitioner regularly, and she’s also a Meta Practitioner.
So one Friday in my session, that’s what I chose to work on.
During the session, I found some profound links to a kind of vow I made when I was still in the womb. Mom was a radiographer and had only been working for a short while after graduation when she discovered she was pregnant. She could not continue because of the radiation risk to a foetus. She cried on dad’s shoulder, yearning to work for a
little while longer. I made a vow to the effect of: “Okay mom, because you must stop working for me now, I’ll look after you later.”
Talk about responsibility from the word go! And in this session, we found this leg saying, “I can’t stand this.”
We worked together on clearing all the aspects and layers
around this, giving the 4-month-old-foetus a chance to let go of that vow, and make a different agreement. It was never mom's expectation to begin with... it was just a younger me creating a strategy to ease the pain of that moment.
I felt enormous relief, and incredibly tired after the session.
Later that afternoon, I wanted to go for a slow walk. And golly, how painful that area of my leg was! I almost gave up after 10 minutes. It helped, though, to remember that pain and inflammation always occur in the healing phase of a condition. Healing was already increasing!
(This is something I explain in detail with a beautiful graph, to clients who come for a Meta Consciousness Session).
I slowly and carefully finished my walk, focusing on the lovely bits of nature around me that I could see, hear and smell. Spring was starting and it was gorgeous to be outside.
After a great night’s rest, I woke up the next morning and went to the bathroom. After 8 steps I paused and suddenly thought… “Wait… where is that pain??!”
I could hardly believe it... took a few more steps – and truly, it was just gone. Completely vanished. I had zero pain.
After 3
weeks of increasing pain and the previous afternoon’s further intensity level, I could honestly not believe it. Seemingly overnight, something that was there for such a long time was just gone.
Has it come back?
This happened on 9 March 2024, and I’m writing this article on 18 April – almost 6
weeks later. I bet you’re wondering whether it’s returned.
The answer is no. There’s been very minor twinges here and there - yet absolutely nothing compared to the level it was before that session.
I’ve found with every one of my clients and myself, that we sometimes need to process through multiple layers of an
issue. Sometimes we revisit the same event or memory multiple times to clear out all the beliefs and layers locked up in it.
We can experience many different emotions, and acquire multiple beliefs in a difficult minute, especially as children when we don’t have any filters yet. All our decisions, meanings we give events, go into our subconscious as ‘the absolute truth’.
So - while I’m sure there’s more to do for me to clear the leg issue completely, I’m also incredibly grateful for the proof of how miraculous our bodies are… how they can do their healing job when we let go of the root of the issue, and how quickly change is possible.
2 Phases of the dis-ease process
In Meta Consciousness, we find that there are 2 phases to the dis-ease process: The stress phase, and the restoration phase.
There would be an event (something unexpected, dramatic, isolating with no strategy to deal with it) that sets off a biological process in the body, starting with the stress phase. When it is fully or even partially
resolved or accepted, the healing phase starts, and pain and/or inflammation shows up.
Different processes (cell increase or cell loss) happen for different tissues in the body in each of those phases. Ideally, the body goes through the entire process and comes back to balance and health at the end of the restoration phase.
However: Health issues become chronic when we go through the 2 phases of the dis-ease process over and over, without resolving it.
If the original stress-moment still carries a charge and we experience triggers of that (even in small ways), the stress-phase of the process repeats again – and we go back into the healing phase after a small acceptance. This process that occurs
over and over is how chronic conditions are kept in place.
How we work with this
With Meta consciousness, with the knowledge of the different tissues in the body and the right questions to guide us, we can find the original moment or period that set off the process. Then we can use EFT to clear and
clean that wound and find resolution so it cannot be triggered again. Finally, our body can complete the healing process.
There is so much more to say about the fascinating way that our bodies are always doing their best to get back to equilibrium and health. And for now, I hope this little story will inspire you to have hope and faith that your condition (or that of a loved one) can truly heal and
With Meta Consciousness, we also aim to heal much more than the part of the body with the health challenge. We are holistic beings… my psyche is not separate from my left leg. There is more here to heal than just my left leg – also years of habits, patterns and gently, kindly, learning new ways of being.
I know how disheartening it can be to go through the aggravation over and over. Please, do reach out for a conversation if you’re battling with an aggravating chronic condition and want to understand the underlying root cause. You do not have to battle with this forever!
Simply reply to this email, and let me know what you’re struggling with. It’s 100% confidential.