““Give me six hours to
chop down a tree and I will spend the first four
sharpening the axe.”
Abraham Lincoln
“Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”
Warren Buffett
I love both above quotes. It talks to me
of resting (I'm sharpening my axe while away), as well as planning to plant a tree so someone can sit in the shade next year.
I read a few quotes that said 'Planning is useful but plans are useless'. And I know that from experience... we can have all the plans in the world, but sometimes the Universe or God brings us a different experience - and then those plans feel like a joke. I've felt
resentful in the past that my plans didn't work out. But that's really quite ridiculous, isn't it? It wasn't up to me in the first place!
So... I'm planning a few projects for next year, and while I am excited about them and intend to implement, I trust I'll be led and shown the best way.
Here's what you can look forward to (as far as I know😅)
I'm planning one free group experience every month.
Meta Consciousness™ Health Q & A:
When: Every fourth Monday of the month in odd months (Jan, March etc).
What: 4-6 people will have an opportunity to ask a health question, understand what your body is trying to tell you, and a beautiful meditation to solidify the information.
The first is on Monday 27 January 2025.
Gentle Gatherings: (Name still to be finalised!)
When: Every fourth Monday of the month in even months (Feb, April etc).
What: Every month will have a different theme, a journal prompt, space to reflect, 15 minutes of EFT tapping, 15 minutes for any questions. These will evolve as I learn what is useful and what is needed.
The first opportunity is on 24 February 2025.
There will also be a few paid workshops during the year.
Do any of these sound intriguing?
I'd so appreciate hearing from you! What else would you like to see included?
Private 1-1 Sessions:
I absolutely love the spacious 1-1 sessions with private clients and will continue to offer this work in 2025. I work mainly with HSPs and introverts with health or relationship challenges. There are many other topics too that come up in client sessions.
In relationships, we often have patterns that we learned very early on due to painful life experiences and (unconsciously) copying our parents. Those can become life-long strategies even though they no longer work for us as adults. We work with discovering, decoding and discharging the
early learnings so we can become more whole and authentic. I also bring in CliftonStrengths to help clients love their amazing talents!
Where health is concerned, I work together with a medical diagnoses, and use a diagnostic tool to help us discover the underlying emotional trauma that caused the health issue. We also look at the balance in your whole life. We can simply not separate our emotional, mental and physical worlds. And sometimes it's more than a body part that needs healing: it's the
whole person! This type of journey is life-changing.
I'll be opening new client slots at the end of January. If you're thinking of embarking on a healing journey in 2025, please get in touch here.