Over the weekend a friend wrote. She explained a situation that was very hard for her, and that she's has had several thoughts and difficult emotions about it.
I recommended 2 of my existing videos that could support her immediately before getting together later for a customised EFT session.
Then, this morning I read a chapter in Julia Cameron’s book ‘Living the Artist’s Way’. It’s a
beautiful book with short chapters, centred around using writing to ask for guidance from Beyond (whatever the ‘beyond’ is for each of us.)
The chapter I read, was about Julia's doubts about finding the right words to write about the topic of guidance.
Can you imagine that?! A super
successful writer with more than 40 books under the belt still having doubts...
The chapter included how she asked for guidance about these doubts. And how beautiful that her Guidance told her “It’s human nature to doubt. A lack of trust is part of the human condition.”
Even for
people like her, who have reached beautiful heights.
Of course we don’t like it even though it’s human
Most certainly, I’ve experienced the doubt, too. Just about every time before I make a video, or start writing an article, or start my newsletter. Every time before I host a
workshop, or even think about offering one. Doubt is my constant companion, too.
And it’s uncomfortable! I'd do anything to not have that feeling, like anyone else... and that's where procrastination or not talking about my work often comes from. It's easier to avoid it than feel it and work through it.
As normal humans we doubt: ourselves, what we did or said, what we didn’t do or say, our capabilities, our capacity, our actions, our thoughts, our feelings… We’re human, and doubt is part of our lives.
Sure, we don’t like it. “If only I could eradicate it, life would be so much better”, goes through our
But how comforting could it be when we accept it as normal and then move on to “I don’t have to believe those thoughts and I can still take a baby step”?
There’s a kind of liberation in just accepting it does pop up, instead of struggling and fighting
against it with such effort. We can sort of soften a little around it and not push back quite so hard.
Support for the discomfort
So… Even though doubt will likely continue to arise for us (it’s normal, remember?), I wanted to create a video for these specific aspects that my
friend’s difficulties brought up.
If you’ve ever doubted yourself after a situation, or felt embarrassed or ashamed of something you did (or didn’t do), join me to tap down the charge.
Intention Tapping
I worked here with a newer form of EFT called IEP (Intention Energy Process - Intention Tapping for short) and I’ve been a certified Practitioner of this method for 18 months. It has nothing to do with setting a goal or positive thinking. The intention is around releasing the charge of the emotions and the hold they have on us. We use a specific phrase (tried and tested thousands of times) to do
Normally in a session, I’d be there with you to ask how things are changing for you. Of course that couldn't happen in this video, so I had to make some assumptions. Follow along, and change my words if they don’t fit your situation.
The parts that have to stay constant is
when I say "I release all my emotional attachments to.. (and then name your issue, how you feel, what you think)".
I addressed shame, embarrassment, what I should have or should not have done, I should never have allowed that to happen, and also the fear of what a mistake might cause in the future.
This video is part of a playlist with similar topics, that might also be helpful.
Remember to keep tapping throughout the session, even when I’m talking through a concept. You'll find the most relief through that - it's called 'Continuous Tapping' or 'SET' (Simple Energy Techniques).