Hello again - have you felt like this before? (Clue - "I should but I don't want to".....)

Published: Wed, 03/30/16


Do you know that feeling of postponing on something important? You KNOW you need to do it, and the voice in your head keeps nagging "Come on - just get on with it!" 

And then another voice pipes up and says "Well, I don't WANT to do it right now! I don't feel like it, and you can't MAKE me!!"

Been there? And usually it's with something that we know will be GOOD for us, that will have beneficial results, yet we have huge resistance to do it. 

That was me for the past few weeks. Ugh. It's a tough place to be. The conflict in the mind goes on and on. I was already a bit low (actually a LOT low!) in energy and this back-and-forth thing in my mind ate away some more energy resources. 

I know I haven't been in touch much over the past few weeks. And you know what? My inner perfectionist kept telling me I CAN'T write to you if I'm not in a great place myself. The thing I was postponing was writing a blog. And writing a newsletter. And Patsy Perfectionist on my shoulder told me I could only wrote to you when I felt great, positive, and like a little ball of inspiration. 

Monday night, I had a coaching call with a respected mentor. And guess what he recommended? Write - regardless of how I feel. Make the writing a part of my journey. Take action. 

It  lifted a whole big pile of guilt off my shoulders. Aaah - I don't have to pretend. I can just feel how I'm feeling from now on and stay in contact anyway. And let you in on the secret (ssshhh!) that "even though" I use tools like EFT, Sedona Method, NLP and Strengths, I DON'T always have it together and I sometimes wish I was on a 2 month holiday in the Bahamas.

So there... it's out.

I haven't been talking to you recently because in my low energy state (which fortunately is fixed now with the help of my awesome homeopath!) I didn't feel like I could say something valuable or uplifting. In future, I'd like to write anyway and let you know of tools I find that might be helpful if you go through a similar patch.

We're not always 'up' are we? And neither is it very realistic to expect that of ourselves. We don't HAVE to be 'up' all the time. Our body, mind, spirit all go through cycles, just like nature. There's winter (for gathering and turning within), summer (bearing fruit and looking outwards) and those in between. Thank goodness, we don't have to 'up' all the time! Can we all drop that big ol' expectation?

Now that I'm more energized, a bunch of new ideas want to come out and play!

One of them is that I noticed over the past few weeks how much I've been missing 'teaching' something. I LOVE the coaching and EFT sessions, and supporting people to find their happy-career-place. And, one of my Top 5 talents are not being fed right now. That creates a hole in my heart. Perhaps, that even had something to do with my low energy state over the past few weeks.

EFT Personal Development Get-Together

Soooo.. I'd love to hear whether you'd be interested in a monthly EFT Personal Development Get-Together? It may turn into something more frequent.

At these gatherings, we'll use EFT as our tool to clear out limiting beliefs and show-stopping emotions. I'd love to let you in on things that have been working for me. We'll do tapping (if you know Borrowing Benefits, you'll know how this works) to clear out limiting beliefs during our time together, and I'll teach techniques that you can apply between our gatherings to make even more progress. 

If that sounds intriguing, please reply to this message and let me know that you're interested. We're going to start off VERY affordably at R300 ($30) per class. I only have physical space for 5-6 people per time so hop in quickly!

At the moment I'm planning one 'live' class (a morning ) and one online class in the evening for those who are not in Johannesburg, South Africa. 

I'm REALLY excited about this opportunity. I participate in similar things myself and find it extremely beneficial to be a part of a group who are all growing and learning and making progress. Life is not meant for struggling along by ourselves. We all have those areas in our lives where we effort, and encounter growth opportunities.

Come and learn how to deal with those areas in a safe, loving, nurturing and compassionate environment. 

Strengths Challenge
We had some awesome fun about 2 weeks ago when 10 people participated in an online 5-Day Strengths Challenge. Wow, was it fun!! I want to offer another one in the next few weeks and will let you know of upcoming opportunities. We got to know our strengths a LOT better over the 5 days, and also got to learn about other people's strengths. It was positive, uplifting, supportive. 

"I've loved what we've done this week and it's also given my Intellection space to be. It's so interesting to hear about some of the other talents and how things fit together. I've learned some stuff about myself in new ways." 

"Thank you Liesel for a wonderful week of enlightenment. It was lovely to be reminded of my strengths and it made me think of how I interact with others and areas I could work on. I have loved reading everyone's posts. This week has stoked me to challenge my colleagues to discuss their strengths so that we can work better as a team. "

Next week or so, I'm going to let you know of another personal growth opportunity that a colleague will offer here in Joburg, South Africa. It set me off on my own growth journey 11 years ago and it's given me a solid foundation to build awesome relationships from. More later. 

Oh - how do you like my new logo at the top of this email? I'm super excited about it! 

My word, it seems like I'd built up quite a few words in the weeks I'd not been in my silent cave. I chewed your ear off and I promise to write shorter messages, a little bit more often. 

So much love and blessings to you for the coming week!

Liesel Teversham

PS - Remember to let me know if you're interested in the EFT Personal Growth Gathering - and say whether you'd like online or in-person.