Hello - Does your diary fill you with glee? Plus fascinating results of the Introvert Quiz ...

Published: Mon, 06/13/16

Hello, dear ,

What a fun time I had looking at the results of the Introvert Quiz! Thank you so much for participating and contributing your thoughts and energy. I'm really excited that there's a way in which I'll be able to support the introverts in this community with challenges they're experiencing.  

I loved reading some of the responses and I feel SO connected to many of the challenges that were mentioned. Yes, I've had them too. And for some of those, I've found some answers or helpful techniques and suggestions. So please watch over the next few weeks for some new articles, programs and new support that you might find valuable. And if you're an extrovert, it sure doesn't mean you can't participate! 

Some interesting bits from the survey:

Of those who participated, 62% were introverts, 34% ambiverts and 4% extroverts. 

The biggest challenges faced were:

Putting yourself 'out there' if you have a business or need to do marketing (62.5%)
Procrastination (58%)
Being in crowds (58%)
Perfectionism (54%)
Not enough time to quietly 'think' by yourself (54%)

True to the nature of the introvert participants, here's the selection for the gift:

Read an informative article (60%)
Participate in a call to work through some introvert challenges (40%) 

So... looks like I might be preparing both! I love writing (for introverts, writing is often much preferred to speaking). And I love the calls too, because we can connect on a more personal level, (with a real, live (virtual) person <grin>) and we can work through some challenging things with tools like EFT or The Sedona Method. 

In the next 2-3 weeks or so, I'll send invitations to the call. It'll more than likely be during the day on a Wednesday or Thursday. The article will also be in your inbox round about the same time. 

Self-Care and Pacing Ourselves!

I've had to learn in recent weeks to pace myself with more wisdom. (Yes, heck, for the umpteenth time...and that's why the Thank-You-Gift is not scheduled for next week!)

Do you also sometimes jump in and promise 10 things to different people, and then realise with a sickening feeling you CAN'T stick to all of those without losing sleep, hair or face?

Well - this is one of my favourite teaching subjects - and I STILL get it wrong sometimes! I've been overstretched in recent weeks due to a few more commitments than usual. I work 4-6 hours a week for an IT Innovation company. When extra requests crop up, I'm so prone to say 'yes' to them because I love supporting people. It's automatic for me to offer my time - and unfortunately, too much supporting doesn't lead to energizing results for me, or those I'm wanting to support.

During the past week, I received a newsletter from a man I've been following for a long time. He has built a sustainable online business, living in Norway (originally from South Africa) and I thought I'd share something from his newsletter with you on this very topic:

"As we grow older our stream of "No" defines our legacy better than our stream of "Yes”.  After 58 years I cannot remember one instance of a "No" costing me spiritually or financially. I recall many "Yes" replies that derailed me, some massive train wrecks.  
Our South African style demands that we follow our "No" with some valid reason.   
At the very least we're expected to follow the “No” with a “Thank you,” as in “Thank you for asking me to help you fix your car.” In Norway a “No” is unadorned with niceties. When asking for something here even a “please” is absent most of the time.  
Anyone may ask. It's in the Bible. But answering ”No" is as valid as "Yes".  A "No" is not a rejection of your personhood. It means that, right now, the person you’re asking faces their own issues. Respect those. "

Isn't that an amazing perspective? If others are facing their own issues, that means we're also allowed to be 'facing our own issues' and we truly don't have to say 'yes' to every single thing. It's not sustainable, it's not required and it's not okay for our energy and time. 

I invite you this week to look at your diary. Does it feel like you're days are going to be an exciting adventure? Or does it lead to anxiety when you look at all the appointments (and what each represents) in there?

If there is anxiety - is there one single thing you could possibly take off your plate, or make a new decision about, to move yourself more in the direction of "My life is an adventure and I LOVE it!"

Want to contribute your opinion?

If you'd still like to participate in the Introvert Survey, you can go to this short survey and let me hear your voice! Often, introverts have the feeling that their opinion doesn't count, or doesn't get heard. Or they may feel scared to voice them in case of conflict or stepping on toes. Here's your chance! It's all in confidence and I'd love to hear your view. 

A million thank you's, with much warmth from a freezing Joburg 
Liesel Teversham

About the Author

Liesel is a Connected Introvert who loves helping other introverts to shine brightly and comfortably in their career and life, to overcome the fear of being visible and to connect in deep, meaningful ways. Liesel really can't bear thinking of introverts as shy nerds who don't make an awesome contribution in the world. So she created a number of programs to help introverts do just that: own their talents, be themselves, practice exquisite self-care and create a career and life they adore while making a meaningful difference.