Hello - Self-Care or First Aid? Plus Success Webinars for Entrepreneurs

Published: Sun, 05/01/16

Dear ,

Self-Care First (otherwise it becomes First Aid!)

How is your self-care? Do you have any regular practices? Do you know what restores your physical, emotional, spiritual and mental energy tanks? 

I’m privileged to be writing this email from a wonderful spot in the Waterberg in South Africa. We come here regularly to enjoy the peace and quiet, silence, go for long walks in nature, and recharge our batteries. 

Self-care is still one of my hobby horses, since I’d walked such a long road with trying to figure out how to take better care of my own energy. I used to feel so resentful and exhausted because of my tendency to put everyone else first, and my own needs last. Since I’ve started making my self-care a priority, thankfully those feelings hardly ever surface. 

And guess what…. I’m human, so I still make mistakes sometimes and overschedule, and forget to build in time for me! The difference is, I know what to do about it now. I don’t have to suffer in silence and suck it up anymore! I realise it’s only me that can do anything about it. It’s no-one else’s fault, and I can change things around to honour my own needs, too. 

I used to believe it was ‘selfish’ to take care of my needs. That’s a completely false assumption, I learned during the years when I was wrestling with this concept. Yes, we do get taught certain things by well-meaning parents, teachers and others who influence our learning. And – whatever they taught us, even from their best intentions, isn’t necessarily true. 

One interesting truth I know now, is that our happiness and well-being, spills over to 3 levels of separation away from us. That means - if I'm happy, my husband (level 1), his mom (level 2) and her sister (level 3) also benefits. Yep, that's been scientifically researched. 

If you’re struggling with self-care (and therefore end up exhausted, ill, resentful, angry with everything on your plate and struggling to manage it all), I want to encourage you to start taking care of you, your energy and your needs. No-one will do it if you don’t. If you get so sick and depleted that you’re not available to your loved ones, who will take care of you? 

If it’s a big battle for you to change your mindset around this (and believe me, I do understand!! I was there too, remember?) please contact me for a complimentary conversation around how this can change for you, too. 

For Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners

You might know that I believe we can all find work that makes our heart sing, and lets us jump out of bed in the morning!! In that vein, I have something special to share with you today. It’s something I wholeheartedly believe in, and am proud to be associated with. 

I’m part of a team of 12 people that was brought together by a man with a big heart, Freddie Kirsten. He’s currently semi-retired and used to work in economics. His life’s dream is to help more Entrepreneurs in South Africa and elsewhere to succeed. From his background in the financial world, he knew how many small businesses started up, only to fail months or a year later. And he saw how often that was not due to lack of strategy, but instead, due to incorrect mindset, or limiting beliefs in the subconscious and other emotional drivers. 

Freddie’s put together a team of us to present a unique series of webinars for small business owners who want to succeed. We’re offering in-depth learning on 3 main topic areas: 

•    How the Story you tell yourself impacts your success, and how to change that story (that’s presented by yours truly.)
•    How to use your Strengths in your business (this is also a topic very close to my heart!!)
•    The power of your ‘Why’ (If you’ve seen the book and Ted Talk of Simon Sinek, you’ll know a little bit about this. It’s powerful!!!)

We start on Tuesday 3 May and you can participate in ALL the above topics, or choose only one series at a time. It’s going to be unique, informative, practical, interactive (with a group area for asking your questions and getting answers). It’s VERY affordable and I believe you’ll receive loads of value, business-building acumen and mindset-tips for success. 

You’ll notice different membership levels  – and one of them is to attend Webinar 1 completely free of charge. That gives you the opportunity to decide whether you’d like to attend the rest. Bargain! 
I look forward to seeing your name on the attendees list on Tuesday! 

More insights on my interesting journey with the Biokineticist

I love learning in one situation, and then applying those insights in other areas of my life. A few weeks ago I wrote about the start of my journey with a new bio. And – I’ve had many more insights and learnings I want to share with you in the next article. That’ll follow in the next few days.  If you missed the first one, it’s here on LinkedIn where I’d love to hear your thoughts as well. The amazing bio’s details are in this post, if you need someone to help you through a challenge with your body as well. 

Till next time – be kind with yourself and listen for your body’s messages!

Liesel Teversham

PS - We still have a few spaces for the 20 Minute Blind Spot Session, or the EFT Personal Growth Gathering. Pop me an email to enquire!