Hello - Do you also get hung up with doing it PERFECTLY?

Published: Wed, 11/23/16

Dear ,

I know I’ve written about this subject before but it keeps coming back to me.  It’s probably because I keep struggling with it myself, and because I keep gaining more insights and more examples to illustrate the folly.

The folly? Thinking that I need to know EXACTLY how to do something  PERFECTLY before I even started.  If I don’t know how to be perfect at it, I can’t start.

Is the perfectionist in you alive and well, too? Do you hesitate for hours, days, months, or even years, to feel READY before you jump in? Maybe you never feel quite ready? And perhaps think that when you do [that thing you want to do], you’re going to get ‘caught out’ by someone, even though you really DO know the subject matter well? Or do you think “Who am I to do this?” Or “It’s not going to be perfect, it’s going to be judged and I’ll never survive the criticism?”

Oh man, you have my empathy.

A short diet story

Recently my husband and I embarked on a very healthy diet that helps to rapidly diminish inflammation in the body. With the inflammation that disappears, weight drops off, as do aches and pains, while energy levels soar and skin quality visibly improves. It’s remarkable.

It’s called the Perricone diet, and was developed by a dermatologist who observed the aging effect of inflammation on the skin.

We started this diet about 2 weeks before our holiday started. We knew we were going to indulge on our holiday, and wanted to drop a bit of weight beforehand, so we didn’t have to ROLL out of the car on our return. (Know the feeling?)

Awesome things happened to us, in a short 10 days. I kid you not, after 3 days we could see the difference in our face – less lines, and more ‘lifted’ features.

The remarkable changes are not the point of this post, though.

The point is the first few days were DIFFICULT – not because I had cravings (never had any); not because I missed coffee (not allowed on this diet). It was difficult because it took enormous effort to PREPARE the food!
No fast food on this diet… We had to prepare an omelette and big-flake oats every morning, with freshly chopped fruit like cantaloupe and berries. For lunch we had to have a large salad (with tinned fish like tuna or salmon) and fresh fruit. For dinner we had mountains of veggies, salmon and again, the fresh fruit.

The First Morning
Andrew needed take his healthy packed lunch to work. So the first morning in the kitchen, we were preparing both breakfast AND lunch.  We ended up shouting at each other very impatiently. We didn’t have our rhythm yet and we kept bumping into each other, each trying to make decisions and put bits of food into containers. It was chaotic.

Introvert Resources Corner
We all need support. None of us can 'do life alone'. And especially if we feel called to make a bigger contribution than before, that'll require us to stretch out of our comfort zone, support is extra important. 

Here are a few places for you to consider!
For more personal support:

Is this you? 

You're an introvert with an inspiring vision or goal. You want to make a bigger contribution or know that you want to support others. You feel like there are blocks in your way and they may be things like fear of the spotlight, procrastination, perfectionism, fear of speaking up, you're not sure if your offering (or you) is good enough and you feel frustrated by your lack of action.... You may even be thinking "I'm so tired of limiting myself with all these fears..."

I have programs that might be helpful for you.

I'm now accepting applications for my 2017 programs, which includes private, one-to-one work, as well as a brand new group program for Introverts, and a full day Introvert workshop in mid-January. 

If it sounds intriguing, and you want to hear more, please reply to this email and we'll take the next step.
With much warmth and care, 
Liesel Teversham

About the Author

Liesel is a Connected Introvert who loves helping other introverts to thrive in their career and life, to overcome the fear of being visible and to connect in deep, meaningful ways. Liesel really can't bear thinking of introverts as shy nerds who don't make an awesome contribution in the world. So she created a number of programs to help introverts do just that: recognize their talents, be themselves, practice exquisite self-care and create a career and life they adore while making a meaningful difference.

If you're interested to find out how to work with Liesel, please pop an email and she'll get right back to you.