I hope you had a
wonderful break from all the usual activity, and that you've come back feeling refreshed, renewed and recharged for 2017.
I wish you a year filled with good things, blessings, beauty, nurturing relationships, and abundance.
And, I know. That's not the way it always goes.
We make plans, set goals, speak intentions and take action towards them... and life sometimes still has other plans for us. It can feel really disappointing, we can feel like a failure, not good enough, 'less than', lacking in something that others apparently have access to.
How often do we play the comparison game, and hurt ourselves
by comparing the best of the other person with the worst in ourselves? I know all about this. I was constantly feeling 'less than', not good enough. Though I've come a long, long way with being kinder to myself, and acknowledging my progress rather than berate what I am not YET doing, I still sometimes go there. And it feels so ick....
The work I am privileged to do has taught me so many times that the
feelings we experience now, about our current situation, most often stems from experiences in the past, most often childhood. During those hard or difficult experiences, we made it mean something about ourselves, others or life. It's not the experience itself that's the issue (although some things we wouldn't wish on our worst enemy and no-one should have to go through them.) It's how we perceive the experience through our window on life, what we make it mean, and what we believe as a result,
that causes the real stress.
Of course, we don't create those 'meanings' or beliefs consciously! It's not like we can do it any differently. We don't even know that it's happening. It's so subconscious (almost unfair) that we don't even know it's there - until another situation triggers it, and we're right back in that feeling of a small child, a teenager, or some other version of ourselves that
was not feeling resourceful.
That's why I LOVE the tools of EFT and The Sedona Method. When we take an honest look at our past experiences and process the tough FEELINGS we have about an event in a healthy way, our outlook on life and our future can change dramatically. We can have more spaciousness, an expansiveness from which to live and create our lives. Less stress, less drama. More ease and
That's why I've decided to host this short 4-hour workshop again. I have not presented a live workshop in about 4 years, I discovered to my surprise, when I was looking for previous material. I do SO love the heart connections we form when we sit in the same room, being honest and authentic, each taking a look at our own 'stuff' or baggage, and clearing it out.
I'm really EXCITED to let you know about this 4-hour workshop in Rivonia, Johannesburg, as well as an online version this year.
We'll take an honest look at the past year, take stock, review and PROCESS (in healthy ways) some of the difficult things we experienced, in a safe, non-judgment space. We can then move on from a clean slate, and a sense of
completion - leaving behind what we need to, not hauling it with us into a fresh new year. Then, we'll go through a beautiful process to create your 2017 from this expanded, spacious place. Not from fear of repeating our past mistakes, but from freshness and willingness to start again.
Details are below - I really look forward to welcome you in either the live or online workshop!