Hello - Need some proven Stress Reduction Techniques?

Published: Thu, 07/13/17

Dear ,

I can remember years ago when I first heard Byron Katie's words "There are no stressful events  - only stressful thoughts."

I was not feeling too great at the time because of some difficult experiences I was dealing with and thought "Rubbish! Things are certainly stressful in my life!"

I've since felt for myself how the experience of stress can change when we change the thoughts that we are having about it. 

Say there's a day where my internet connection is not working and I need it for my client appointments. When I think "This is a DISASTER! My clients will be angry or disappointed, I feel so responsible not to let them down! What will I DO?" - I feel incredibly anxious, stressed out, responsible for their feelings. I'll beat myself up, be angry with whatever it was that caused the mishap, I might snap at my husband and be unkind with someone who really doesn't deserve it, because of my own frustration. 

If I could somehow change that thought to "My clients will NOT be angry or disappointed" and think the truer thought "I am angry or disappointed" or - if I was magically unable to think those anxious thoughts above, my experience and feelings in the moment will change. My anxiety and stress would come down. I'd feel calmer, I wouldn't snap at innocent people or feel all that frustration. 

The situation didn't change. My thoughts did. And therefore what I experience in my body. 

If you'd like to learn a SIMPLE way to take an honest look at the thoughts that cause most of your stress, and have a step-by-step method to help you do that, you might find this short Workshop of interest. 

Have you heard of The Work of Byron Katie? She provides us with a step-by-step way to pause, and find those thoughts. And she gives us a PROFOUND new way of looking at them so that we feel empowered instead of like a victim of 'what happened TO me'. 

Here's a link where you can book. for this affordable short (90 minute) online Introduction Workshop on Byron Katie's The Work, so that you can start using this method to reduce stress and suffering in your own life. We'll meet online on Monday 24 July at 4 pm SA time (10 am ET). 

Get the details and book here. 

Support options for you to consider:
  • My FB group "Savvy Self Growth for Introverts" offers a fr*e supportive community of other introverts who are most likely going through some of the challenges you experience. Apply by clicking the link and I'll approve you immediately!
  • AFFORDABLE GROUP CLASS: Every second Monday of the month, I host a Tap-Along at a VERY affordable $25 for 60-90 minutes. How can a Tap-Along help YOU? Read the article and book here. The next Tap-Along is on Monday 14 August at 4 pm SA time (10 am ET).  Only 4 people in every group ensures lots of individual attention.

  • Have you seen this Ted Talk by Susan Cain? It's a wonderful example for me of the Power of Introverts! When I did my book-launch-talk in 2013, this talk inspired the heck out of me. 

With much warmth and care, 
Liesel Teversham

About Liesel

Liesel is a Connected Introvert who loves helping other introverts to thrive in their career and life, to overcome the fear of being visible and to connect in deep, meaningful ways. Liesel really can't bear thinking of introverts as shy nerds who don't make an awesome contribution in the world. So she created a number of programs to help introverts do just that: recognize their talents, build confidence, be themselves, practice exquisite self-care, create work and life they adore while making a meaningful difference.

If you're interested to find out how to work with Liesel, please pop an email and she'll get right back to you. 

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