Hello - Do you want to Build Confidence?

Published: Thu, 05/18/17

Dear ,
What a learning experience the past 2-3 weeks was.... a laptop overtaken with malware, trying to patch and fix it... and eventually throwing in the 'fix-it' towel and reinstalling the whole thing. The learning from it deserves a separate blog post.... just to share why I've been scarce. 

On to today's topic:

Confidence - or the lack thereof - can be a show stopper for many of us. 

I've heard this line from my clients so often:

"If only I had the confidence to..... " and it's followed by so many wishes like
  • to make this big decision
  • to do something about this problem
  • to start a business
  • to market my business
  • to start writing my book
  • to go for my goal
Not having the confidence can feel like:
  • procrastination 
  • your fears telling you not to even try
  • envying those who ARE stepping out and doing their thing (apparently with confidence)
  • worry and anxiety
  • push-pull between 'I want this AND I don't want it" (inner conflict)
  • I'm scared to go for my goals
  • it's not SAFE to go for my dream
  • .... and so many other 'symptoms'

Erin Summ, an introvert-coach colleague and I, had a conversation this past week about confidence - and how our emotions play a huge role in having it, or not. 

We talked about how it works that events in our childhood shape our confidence, what to do when you want to increase yours, and how finding our strengths can lead to a huge increase in this magic quality we call 'confidence'. 

It was originally aired on Facebook, and the interview now conveniently plays from my website as well. The magic of technology! 

Support options for you to consider:
  • My FB group "Savvy Self Growth for Introverts" offers a fr*e supportive community of other introverts who are most likely going through some of the challenges you experience. Apply by clicking the link and I'll approve you immediately!
  • AFFORDABLE SUPPORT: Every second Monday of the month, I will host a Tap-Along at a VERY affordable $25 for 60-90 minutes. How can a Tap-Along help YOU? Read the article here. The next Tap-Along is on Monday 12 June at 4 pm SA time (10 am ET). 

  • Do you battle with 'saying no'? How about putting everyone else's needs ahead of your own only to feel resentful that you did that? And feel selfish to even consider having a quiet evening in your own company when you received an invitation out? I get it! And that's why I wrote a book called "No Problem. The Upside of Saying No'. Get it here on Amazon - I also have a few copies if you would like a signed one (South Africa only). 
  • Here's a video I put up on Youtube  - Do Affirmations REALLY work? 

  • NEW: MINI-CONFIDENCE IMMERSION for INTROVERTS: I usually work in 3-6 month programs. For the next 2 months, I will ALSO offer shorter, more affordable ways to work with me. If you have a current challenge, please reply here or email me, and we'll get together for a conversation to discover whether it's a fit for you. Here are situations I can help with in a short program:
    • ​​​​​​​Fear of rejection, criticism or judgment
    • Building confidence
    • Procrastination
    • Getting stopped by Perfectionism
    • If you're in a crisis and can't decide what your next step should be
    • Making a start towards your dream or goal

With much warmth and care, 
Liesel Teversham

About Liesel

Liesel is a Connected Introvert who loves helping other introverts to thrive in their career and life, to overcome the fear of being visible and to connect in deep, meaningful ways. Liesel really can't bear thinking of introverts as shy nerds who don't make an awesome contribution in the world. So she created a number of programs to help introverts do just that: recognize their talents, build confidence, be themselves, practice exquisite self-care, create work and life they adore while making a meaningful difference.

If you're interested to find out how to work with Liesel, please pop an email and she'll get right back to you. 

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