Hello - A dose of kindness for you today

Published: Mon, 11/13/17

Dear ,
I've you've been in my community for a while, you'll know that I have not written in many weeks. We're busy relocating to the UK from South Africa. And to tell the honest truth, it's a much bigger deal than I originally thought... 

One of the things I've learned on this journey of many months, is that a simple act of kindness from someone can make the WORLD of difference in a difficult time. 

I've experienced so much kindness, care, love, and offers of support and help over the past few months. If it was not for those beautiful expressions of love, I would have felt so much more stressed than I already was. 

I will blog about our experiences in due course  - if you're following me on FB, you'll already have read many! 

And today, on World Kindness Day (13 November), I wanted to extend some love, care and kindness to YOU. Whether I know you well, or a little bit, or not at all (yet), I wanted to let you know that I'm grateful for your presence in my community. 

If you're experiencing any big challenge or CHANGE right now, I'd love to hear from you. I'd love to be there as a listening ear, and to offer some kindness in this difficult time. 

In due course, I will pick up my business activities, and I will accept new clients from January 2018 again. In the meantime - I'm just a human being going through a massive change in my life circumstances, and I'd love to hear from you if you're experiencing anything similar. 

Here're some inspiring ideas on Pinterest for World Kindness day. And 9 ideas here to act in kind ways, today and every day.  

With so much kindness and care, 
Liesel Teversham

About Liesel

Liesel is a Connected Introvert who loves helping other introverts to thrive in their career and life, to overcome the fear of being visible and to connect in deep, meaningful ways. Liesel really can't bear thinking of introverts as shy nerds who don't make an awesome contribution in the world. So she created a number of programs to help introverts do just that: recognize their talents, build confidence, be themselves, practice exquisite self-care, create work and life they adore while making a meaningful difference.

If you're interested to find out how to work with Liesel, please pop an email and she'll get right back to you. 

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