Would you appreciate support to work through a challenge?
A few private coaching slots have opened in my calendar recently. I work with only 4-5 clients at a
time. Here are some of the challenges I love providing support for:
- Procrastination and perfectionism
- Understanding and making the most your Strengths (we use Gallup StrengthsFinder and I can't describe how much fun you'll have, and how empowering it is, to find out what's right with you!)
- Building confidence
- Creating goals that are aligned for you, and achieving them
- How to have difficult conversations so it doesn't turn into conflict
- Releasing the fears around speaking in public
- Sustainable Visibility for introverts
- Getting clarity on difficult decisions (usually more than one 'voice' or emotion pulls you in
opposite directions... no wonder it's hard!)
- Healthy self-care, boundaries and saying no
- Letting go of fear and uncertainty
- Anxiety/panic attacks
- Healing hurt in relationships
- Resolving past trauma so you can move on
- Changing patterns and limiting beliefs to open up new possibilities for you. Limiting beliefs are thoughts we think over and over, like "I'm not good enough, people are going to judge me, I'll never make it, I don't have what it takes, I don't deserve money/good things, I'm too old/fat/xyz to have my dream, I'm not worthy, I don't love myself, I can't speak in public, I'm terrified of conflict" and many more. We tend
to recreate similar situations over and over if we are operating from a limiting belief.
- I also offer support/teaching on specific types of technology (WordPress websites, email programs like Aweber or Mailchimp, appointment scheduling systems, how to integrate
different systems in your business).
I usually work with new clients for 6-12 sessions, and sometimes, depending on the issue, a mini-3-session package is appropriate.
We aim to use the 3 sessions within 4-6 weeks, and the more usual 6-session program within 8-12 weeks.
If you're concerned about the fee, there are ways to make payment easy. We'll discuss all those details.
You may wonder what can you expect during sessions?
I mostly work online with an effective technology called "Zoom" - we see and hear each other very clearly. I can also provide you with a recording, so you don't miss a thing. Often during a session there are SO many gems that need revisiting.
We will spend time exploring your challenge, and take a look at places in your life where it has a negative impact. Then, you'll get really clear on what you'd like to create or have instead. I use various tools and techniques to free you of whatever is creating the block or 'mess'. I most often use EFT (a gentle self-help tool I will teach you, to
clear old stress/energy and trauma), coaching, NLP and Gallup StrengthsFinder. And sometimes PSYCH-K to help strengthen a new belief.
You'll have some homework between sessions so that you have the best chance of making wonderful progress. You will have new tools after our time together to deal with other issues in your life too.
Is there anything I can support you with?
If you’re not sure whether I can help you with an issue you might be sitting with, I'd be honoured to have a free 20-30 minute conversation where we can explore together. I may also be able to offer you a resource or next step that you can easily take.
If it sounds like this might help you:
Simply reply
to this email, and we'll take the next step. We'll first make sure we're a great match. I would love you to have an experience that helps you to grow and move forward, whether we work together or not.
If you don’t need any help right now, can you think of someone who does? I’d be grateful if you would forward this mail to a friend who has a challenge.