If you want to create a better life for yourself, in a particular area of life like your finances, health or relationships, or in all of them, it's important to understand how your difficult, charged emotions may be holding you back and keeping you stuck.
All too often we believe we can just "think" our way out of problems. We may have learned that "Law of Attraction", being positive or focusing on what we want is the answer. Yet as reality often shows us, it can be hard to stay positive, motivated and happy. And sometimes we get stuck in emotions we don't want to feel, even when we don't consciously know why.
If you ever feel this way, that you fall into patterns of negative thinking and painful emotions, but you don't know how to get out of it...
Where it feels like no matter what you try, those old thinking patterns keep coming up...
Then I would love to share this video - the 2nd one released in a video series leading to the upcoming 11th Annual Tapping World Summit.
Iyanla Vanzant, star of the TV hit show, "Iyanla: Fix My Life" on the OWN network, discusses how to release negative thoughts and charged emotions from your life. That opens up so many possibilities - like creating financial abundance, emotional happiness, fulfilling relationships.
Here's the link for the video:
(You'll also have access to other valuable videos to explain why EFT does this so effectively).
Years before Iyanla became the star of her hit show "Iyanla: Fix My Life" she was stuck in patterns of destructive thoughts and emotions herself.
She was coping with trauma from childhood abuse, punishing herself emotionally, struggling financially with a poverty consciousness, and so much more.
Then she learned how to overcome those difficulties, and created a life full of abundance, joy, and love.
Some of the things Iyanla will share with you in this interview include:
✨ How she started using Tapping to change her life nearly 15 years ago, and why she still loves this technique for creating personal change. (And why she always uses this technique with people on her show, even though it's not always shown!)
✨ Why it's important to increase your emotional library to be able to express and release stuck emotions.
✨ The power of love - Why she believes that there is no wound deep enough that love cannot heal, and how you can make the oftentimes difficult shift to finally loving and accepting yourself.
✨ How to overcome lack consciousness. Iyanla struggled with finances even when she was earning over a million dollars a year! She'll share why you need to shift your energy and beliefs around money in order to be able to create abundance, regardless of how much you're earning.
✨ And much more!
This is a heartfelt, laugh-out-loud video that I think you'll enjoy. Go here to see it, and find out about the Tapping World Summit:
Note: The link above is my affiliate link. The entire 10-day summit is completely free of charge. Some people choose to purchase an upgrade, so that they can watch and learn at their leisure, even after the summit is over. In that case, I will receive a percentage of the fee.
If this doesn't feel right to you, no worries. Please find a different way to register because the event has proven to be very valuable and can be life-changing. EFT has been life-changing for me, personally.