It's the end of June and perhaps you have the "treadmill-feeling"….
Around this time of year, I sometimes feel "It's all downhill from here and I haven't even started half of what I wanted to… I'm running out of time!"
I could easily talk myself out of starting a new project or idea - because it seems hard to stop the rush, take a few minutes to take stock, and adjust direction if needed.
Where are you on the scale of "I've done all I've set out to do by July" right through to "I haven't even gotten started - and I would still like to feel fulfilled at the end of 2019?"
If you'd like to a kind space to
- pause mindfully,
- benefit from questions to help you consider important life points thoughtfully,
- and make a decision on one or two things that you'd like to still get done before December,
then this may be for you.
To qualify for a complimentary Mindful Midyear Pause session of 60 minutes, here's what you need to know:
- It gives us the opportunity to get to know each other a bit. It's good to experience real human connection behind the "faceless name" on the other side of an email address!
- You'll gain clarity about where to focus for the rest of 2019, what's important to you, and you'll receive gentle, helpful support for areas of stuckness.
- There are only 6 spots available. If you'd like one, please don't delay.
- If you've ever wondered what it would be like to work with me, this is an opportunity for a free taste.
- In case you're concerned, there is zero sales talk in this connection session - only focusing on you, your insights and intentions.
- One such session is available to you during 2019.
If you'd like to enjoy a Mindful Midyear Pause, please reply to this email and we'll get you set up for a time in the next 2-3 weeks.
I look forward to this every year. "Connection" and "deep meaningful conversations" are high on my values list. If they are for you too, you might enjoy this.