I'm writing with mixed feelings today, as we're preparing for a week-long trip to Scotland.
In part, it's to honour my beautiful friend Annabel Fisher's life at a special ceremony at the University of Stirling. The other part is to explore the fantastic natural beauty it has to offer.
We hear there are (literally) millions of annoying midges in summer - so much so that there are websites that offer "midge forecasts"! Some of them bite, like mosquitoes (well, they suck, actually, in more ways than one <grin>). So given all of that, I'm packing with mixed feelings. I'm truly looking forward to mountains and wide open spaces for a change! Here in London,
it's pretty flat and there are always so many people everywhere. I love people - and - sometimes an introvert just needs a bit of s - p - a - c - e !!
A few articles this week:
I got up early because today (like every other day) I have so much on my plate. I have a few emails to reply to, (a lot, actually, because I’m behind), I need to write an article, create a newsletter, write up Module 1 of my new course, go to gym, make a few phone calls, have a client at 3pm. And oh yes, I’m my own boss so I want to work in a few minutes of “me-time”, too.
That was 6.30 am.
By 10 am, I’ve downloaded my emails, replied to a few old ones (and now there are 20 new ones to reply to or prioritize), and looked at Facebook because I felt too overwhelmed to start with the emails. I stared at my long to-do list, couldn’t decide where to start first, more emails came into my inbox, spent time on Facebook again (it’s so much easier and I don’t feel demands on me over there!), opened Word to write the article, wrote a few
words and got stuck, decided to answer another few emails… and now I feel exhausted, frazzled and cross with myself for wasting time. I should’ve had something done already – but nothing is complete and I feel frustrated.
Does this happen to you, too?
I’m currently reading another fascinating book – Your Brain at Work. In the first chapter, I found a solution to getting overwhelmed and not knowing what to work on first – and then turning to something mindless and less energy-sucking.
If you’re reading this article, I’m guessing that you are someone who identifies with having a sensitive nervous system. Maybe you’re an HSP or Empath. And perhaps you feel that it’s very hard to be in the world with all it’s challenges, when one is this sensitive.
I get it! I’m one too.
For those who are not in one of the above categories: did you know that around 20% of the world’s population have a physical nervous system that is more sensitive than the other 80%? It’s not a flaw, it’s not good or bad. It does make us feel a bit different from the rest of the world.
It can feel hard for the sensitive 20%, especially when friends or family keep saying “You’re too sensitive! Grow a thicker skin.” That’s a bit like telling someone “Your eyes are too blue, grow brown eyes!”
I talked about the topic of sensitive nervous systems vs reactions briefly here, on Youtube.
Other News
New Class: Self-Care for Sensitive People
Coming soon, early September! A 90 minute introvert-friendly class with gentle interaction, tips, exercises and connection.
EFT Quick Start Guide - Do you want to test it out for me?
I was an EFT Trainer for many years and wrote an "EFT Quick Start Guide" for those who want to understand the basic foundations of EFT for Self-Help. I've refreshed and reworked it recently and will offer it soon for only GBP 20. You'll find everything you need to tap for yourself: step by step instructions, recorded online training, worksheets, audios, and pdf's.
I'm looking for 1 more volunteer who want to have all the benefits for only GBP 1 (One) - around ZAR 17. (Seventeen). I'll ask you for specific feedback and a short testimonial.
If you're willing and able, please reply to this message and I'll provide the instructions.
Thank you for being part of my community! Wishing you wellness, ease and kindness to yourself.
With love,