I hope you had a wonderful rest period. May you have a wonderful year ahead. You might face a few challenges... therefore I wish you courage, strength, resilience and wisdom to deal with whatever may come your way. So far, you have a 100% survival rate even though you may sport some scars!
The bits you'll find in this first newsletter of 2020:
1. Invitation to a no-cost online workshop
2. A resource to read more books (it's been a huge help for me)
January 2020 Workshop:
Many people don't enjoy setting goals because it feels like they never reach them, and despise the feeling of failure. Who wants to feel like that, right?!
With no goals or direction, though, we end up 'anywhere' and it can feel like we're drifting through life. Most of us enjoy at least a little bit of agency, and that we can steer our own boat.
In this 90 minute class we'll use EFT tapping to calm the feelings about goals and previous disappointments. We'll explore different ways to look at goals/intentions, and come away with new ways to make it more fun and enjoyable in 2020.
This 90 min workshop will be ideal for you if:
- you already know EFT tapping
- you've had a difficult relationship with goals
- you want to change that and have it feel more lighthearted
- you want to learn more resourceful ways to think about goals
If you don't know EFT and want to attend, please reply to this email and I'll get you set up with the basics at a small fee. I'm not going to explain EFT in the workshop - we're going to dive straight into using it.
Participation is via audio and video. It's going to be safe, private and relaxed. You will more than likely feel lighter, and more present and relaxed about any goals or intentions you have. If you hate goals or have huge resistance to them.... I'd say that's a really great reason to attend!
Tuesday 28 January 2020
9 am PT, 12 noon ET, 5 pm London, 7 pm SA
90 minutes online on Zoom (details when you register)
Live attendance at no cost, You'll also receive the recording as a thank you for feedback. If you only want the recording to do this in your own time, it'll be available afterwards for only 10 Pounds (around $13).
Feedback from the December 2019 Workshop:
"During this short time so much shifted, changed and lifted. Fabulous how steps that appear simple are so powerful. Thank you."
"I love working with you Liesel. Both in your private sessions and group classes the compassion and kindness you have makes it easier to look at those difficult emotions and feelings, and then to work through them with your help. Thank you!"
I and many of the clients I work with, have the GallupStrengths of “Learner” and/or “Input”.
That means: we love learning, are eternally curious and love gathering information (and books)…. And we want to read allllllll the books about the topics that interest us.
Does that feel familiar to you? I often feel frustrated with lack of time to read more.... And I discovered something that helps me read more books.
Continue reading here
Thank you for being part of my community! Wishing you wellness, ease and kindness to yourself.
With love,
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