This is a share from the heart with various thoughts and feelings I've struggled with in the past few weeks.
I'm almost hesitant to mention the "c" word.... Coronavirus. Covid-19. The volume of news about it has been overwhelming for me and I almost feel annoyed when yet another email about it reaches my inbox. How has it affected you so far?
I've noticed waves of emotions and thoughts over the past few weeks.
Anxiety, panic and fear was a big part of it. Shock, loss, numbness, sadness. Anger (but who to be angry with?) And finally now, some calm and acceptance. I can say with gratitude that the 2 tapping classes I hosted in the past week has helped me personally (and from feedback, I know it's helped the participants too). (Note - I find that when we help others, we feel instantly better
At first, the UK government had a strangely almost relaxed approach, which brought some "What the heck??" moments for the country. Within a week the response changed to "lock-down with immediate effect" (last Monday night). The website I was doing my online order from (as I had been doing for 18 months) crashed just as I was about to pay. Everyone in the UK tried to order
online just after the announcement. After 2 hours of anxious refresh-the-page, fortunately I was able to pay. The "Order Confirmed!" screen had never been that welcome before.
Have you noticed how we're re-evaluating what's really important? In my area of London, we hadn't been able to buy bread for 2 weeks due to panic-buying. When it finally arrived with our order last Tuesday morning, I couldn't help smiling. Who knew a humble bread could mean that much to us?
Throughout this surreal period, I'd also become much more aware of social and economical inequality. I live in a first world country now where people have money available to stock-pile basic supplies. Even not-so-basic. The crisps, cake and chocolate racks at my local grocery store were still bare this morning, a week after lock-down has started.
I'm acutely aware of the millions of souls in Africa who have no such luxury. Nor any space to self-isolate or even vaguely manage social distancing measures.
It's also a time of sudden financial constraint. Millions have lost their livelihoods. I'm again so aware and grateful that my business has already been online for a number of years. I'm an introvert, and have been 'self-isolating' in my office for years 😜 so it doesn't feel strange on that level. My husband has also been working from home for the past 2.5 years. For us, it's almost
'life as normal'. Yet again - my heart goes out to everyone for whom Work-From-Home presents hardship or is impossible.
My heart cries for things that I can do nothing about. I hope through this challenge we'll become more compassionate, kinder, wiser, and make a difference in the way that we are able to. Every small bit helps.
I had a lot I wanted to share with you, from articles to classes.
But, in the face of the overwhelm that I've personally felt, I didn't want to add to yours.
Here's an invitation instead:
Please share with me what you're finding difficult at the moment. Where do you need support?
I have multiple ideas for books, workshops, courses and programs. If I do create something, I'd love to make it relevant and valuable to you.
I also have free or low-cost resources from others that I can recommend. Perhaps you're one of the fortunate whose livelihood has not been touched and can still pay normally for courses or sessions. I have courses (not my own) that I can highly recommend, on "Course creation" from a highly respected mentor of mine. That might be something you'd really enjoy since
online work is now necessary and even fashionable.
Please reply and let me know - how has the pandemic affected you, and how could I be of support?
Wishing you wellness, ease and kindness to yourself.
With love,
Do you know a sensitive soul who might benefit from my articles or work?
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