Thank you to those who wrote to share how life has been since the start of the pandemic. I so appreciate hearing from you. It warms my heart every time there's a reply in my inbox. And warm hearts are really welcome in our strange new world.
Some themes shared:
- Rediscovering what was important to them before their work or career "took over"
- Missing contact with grandchildren and close family
- Feeling heart-sore because family members had gone into hospital and not being allowed to visit
- Carrying fear and worry about the financial fall-out
We are wired for connection and community. Our hearts and nervous systems need that. If you're in a similar place, my heart goes out to you. Can you identify with any of the above?
Perhaps then, this invitation will feel right for you.
We've been thrown into different ways of doing things. With more people at home, it can be challenging to find 60 or 90 minutes (the usual length of my workshops). I thought to experiment with 3 short workshops/circles instead.
I'm hosting 3 different 30 min events next week. You're welcome to attend as many as you want. It's best if you already know EFT tapping - we're going to dive right in with no explanations. If you don't know EFT and want to participate, here's a link to get you up to speed.
Please register only if you can attend. Recordings are only sent to live participants due to privacy and the sensitive nature of what we share.
Monday 20 April / Wednesday 22 April / Friday 24 April
11 am ET / 4 pm UK / 5 pm SA
30 mins each
Attend as many as you like (register for each)
More info and registration on this page. Feel free to pass this on to someone who might benefit, or send them here.
Some comments after the last Coronavirus Tapping Circle:
"Feeling the immensity of the scope of all we have do deal with and remembering to be gentle with myself. The tapping brought out all the many levels of my feelings and helped me to feel less fear."
"It was an opportunity to reduce the intensity of what I was feeling in a safe environment with a very compassionate and calm leader."
"I love EFT, but I am a novice, so I wanted to learn more and reinforce what I already know. This feels like the perfect time to try to put a regular practice into place. Also the fact that it was free AND that I'd get the recording to keep afterwards is very appealing. My husband was laid off from work just about two weeks before the coronavirus hit the US, so free resources are vital right
now. Thank you so much for offering this!"
I hope to see you there. It is an opportunity to feel connected, safe and grounded.
Other resources:
Wishing you wellness, ease and kindness to yourself.
With love,
Do you know a sensitive soul who might benefit from my articles or work?
They can go here to receive a personalised message in their inbox.