If you're wondering about the value of a free workshop:
Every one of them is a full stand-alone workshop, and not a ruse to promote another one of my services. I do let participants know that I offer private work (in three sentences or less).
And previous comments:
"I ❤️ the trauma reduction process and the length and breadth of the time you set up for safety."
"Liesel is so caring and gentle and you'll feel totally safe. It's a very healing space."
"The tapping brought out all the many levels of my feelings and helped me to feel less fear."
"It was an opportunity to reduce the intensity of what I was feeling in a safe environment with a very compassionate and calm leader."
"I love EFT, but I am a novice, so I wanted to learn more and reinforce what I already know. This feels like the perfect time to try to put a regular practice into place. Also the fact that it was free AND that I'd get the recording to keep afterwards is very appealing."
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Wishing you wellness, ease and kindness to yourself.