You may know that I host a workshop every month. My March topic was going to be "Safe to be Seen - Fear of Judgement and Criticism". It's a topic close to my heart and I was looking forward to it.
In the light of what's happening in the world, it started feeling much less relevant to me. When a client comes to me with Problem-X, and they suddenly have Crisis-Z showing up, we usually pause Problem-X.... because Crisis-Z feels much more present, and uses up all their attention and energy.
That's what's happened here, too...
No matter what other challenges we face, the current coronavirus pandemic seems to overshadow everything. Our health is so vital... it's hard to set goals or be more visible, if we are terrified, can't sleep, have anxiety and worry about our finances.
My heart goes out to everyone who are fearful, anxious, panicked about COVID-19. This is what's up for most people right now.
I know how awful uncontrollable anxiety feels. I know what it feels like to panic about an income, and whether you'll still be paid the end of the month. I know what it's like to worry about a loved one's health. To feel helpless to change anything. And to feel the fear of those around me, too.
So... I thought to change the March workshop to this topic. Corona virus fears. Then, someone in my introverts group said "But I need the Fear of Judgment one...". so I decided to keep both.
Both are 90 mins long, so we'll get good chunks of tapping done to bring down fear.
As all my workshops in 2020, it will be free to attend. If you can't attend live, the recordings will be available for a small fee (20 Pounds, $25).
Invitation to both workshops
You're welcome at both, or either. We're going to use EFT to calm the fears around these 2 topics (coronavirus, and judgement/criticism).
EFT is short for "Emotional Freedom Techniques" - it's a simple method to help you get calm in the moment, so you can gain clarity and take appropriate actions. What I especially appreciate about EFT is that we never push any of our thoughts and feelings away.... we welcome and acknowledge them all equally.
It's still the most useful tool in my box after 15 years of using it.
Coronavirus Fears Tapping Workshop
Thursday, March 19, 2020 (90 mins)
1 pm - 2.30 pm Eastern / 10 am Pacific / 5 pm UK / 7 pm SA
Fear of Judgement and Criticism Tapping Workshop
Tuesday, March 24, 2020 (90 mins)
1 pm - 2.30 pm Eastern / 10 am Pacific / 5 pm UK / 7 pm SA
No charge to attend.
A recording will be provided as a thank you for feedback.
We’ll use an easy videoconference tool (Zoom).
Instructions provided in your confirmation email.
Coming up:
Recently I said I'd share someone with you who can truly help find root causes of our dis-ease. That's still coming up!
Wishing you wellness, ease and kindness to yourself.
With love,
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