Recent (and continuing) world events have certainly upset many apple carts. We've learned to live with uncertainty (a bit more). "Not knowing" is so difficult for most of us, isn't it?
We feel safer when we know what's going to happen.
Yet, we've been living in an uncertain world for a long time. It may be we've had the illusion of certainty - and now it's becoming increasingly apparent how little control we do have.
All the upheaval and uncertainty is not good for our nervous systems, though. So many people are dealing with massive financial and survival stress. When our limbic system feels unsafe it keeps sending us into fight-flight-freeze... and it's very unpleasant to live in that state.
I've worked with many clients recently for whom anxiety is currently a bigger-than-usual challenge. I empathise with my whole heart and being. Anxiety has been a part of my life too. Sometimes I manage it well, and other times not so well. We can even become afraid to feel the anxiety (fearing fear itself) because it's such a very unpleasant emotion and sensation.
In this newsletter I share a few resources to deal with anxiety.
I want to create a resource page on my website for ways to manage it. If you have something effective to add, please write me and I can include it!
EFT Articles
What's EFT and why you should know about it. If you haven't tried EFT yet or don't know what it's for, this article will provide some insight. There's a short video at the bottom to show where the points are so you can get started.
Other Methods
Sophrology (free class for good sleep)
I started adding Sophrology to the tools that help me with life's stress in December 2019. It is incredibly helpful to keep my stress and anxiety as low as possible. There's a free webinar soon to help with sleep issues. When I carry a lot of anxiety, my sleep patterns go haywire and that's even worse for
stress. Register with this link. I'm not an affiliate, it's just something I've come to love and enjoy and recommend it to my clients who experience anxiety.
Biofield Tuning
General Anxiety Tips
There are many useful tools and tips to bring down anxiety in general.
Exercise regularly. Connect with nature, where there is no hurry to get things done. Drink enough water. Go easy on alcohol and caffeine, they are stimulants for the nervous system. Limit watching or reading news and social media, especially before bed. Meditate (guided or silent). Journal. Homeopathy is extremely effective for many people. There are different types of anxiety so it's best to consult
someone who can determine the best remedy for you. Calming teas like chamomile. A drop of Lavender on a pillow. Don't go it alone! If you feel isolated and lonely, please reach out to someone who cares about you. Our nervous systems find safety and soothing when we experience acceptance and loving kindness from others.
What's your favourite tip?
It's not too late to register for this 3-part class. You can catch up with the recording. The first class was a delight and I'm looking forward to the next two, where we're going to tap and tap and tap for "spotlight anxiety"!
A participant wrote:
"I've believed for a while that it must be possible to be sensitive and successful, but getting my emotional brain to know this... to feel safe enough to put myself into the marketplace... is a whole other thing. The voice and teaching style in this course is like a balm and compass for my nervous system. Liesel is a sensitive success whisperer!" -- Dorota Godby of Gentle
Wishing you wellness, ease and kindness to yourself.
With love,
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