In the beginning of 2020, we had dreams, wishes, goals, intentions. We made plans for a year with "2020 Vision". Some had bright hopes for things to be easier than 2019. I hosted a "Release 2019" tapping circle last December because so many people said it was a very hard year.
My word for 2020, which I wrote an article about (wait for it....) was ..... EASY. It's on my pin board, right beside my laptop. That darn word grins at me every day. Some days I'm sure I detect an almost evil glint in it's eye!
I know the word is something we work with, wrestle and play with, process, grow into.... and I'm not quite there yet, if I can honestly admit!
It's just past the middle of the year. How can we make the most of the rest?
There's still quite a stretch before us. In the northern hemisphere, summer is coming to an end and the school year is starting soon (or is it?? Who knows for sure?). In the southern hemisphere, it's getting warmer (though snow on some mountains came as a last little reminder of winter.) The long 'home stretch' before the summer holidays can feel heavy, on top of the challenging first half of the year.
I feel a kind of weariness in and around me... we've weathered enough difficulties for a lifetime in 6 months!
I'd like to invite you to a "Mindful Midyear Tapping Pause". It's difficult to envision a new future or different direction (anything new) if we're still feeling strong emotions like sadness, loss, fear, grief, anger, hopelessness.
Read more below.
If it's not for you, I hope to see you in another class. Other topics coming soon!