Classes and Courses
Vote for the class topics for the rest of 2020
I need your help... I love teaching short classes, and as far as I can tell from feedback, they're enjoyable. It would be helpful to know what would be valuable to you. I can teach about many topics I care about, and it would be no fun to be in the room by myself!
Could I please ask for your quick vote on the poll below? Scroll through the options, and click "Like" or "Love" on the topics that would be valuable for you. Or suggest another topic you'd enjoy.
If you're not a FB fan, let me know and I'll give you the options another way.
Thank you - I appreciate your input. It makes a difference.
Latest EFT Articles
Practicing EFT has brought me so much growth, transformation, joy and satisfaction over the past 14 years.
Last weekend I attended a 2-day EFT workshop by someone I'd been admiring from afar for probably 8 years - Gene Monterastelli. Check out his wonderful podcast here. His Art of Delivery course was so well-structured, with great information and practice time. I feel grateful to Gary Craig every time I gain even a small
shift in perspective or mood through EFT. I don't know any other tool that can bring it to me so fast and so painlessly.
Here are a few articles I wrote about EFT recently. If there's anything you're wondering about, feel free to let me know - it might be the next featured article!
I hear so often "I want to tap but I don't know what to say!" Here's your answer!
Totally, yes! Another article on that same topic, from a different angle, because it comes up so often!
Yep, I get it. I do that too... this issue is tooooo bigggg so I need an hour... and then I don't tap (or use another tool) to help myself. This is a 5 min video that might help you look at it differently!
Latest Strengths Talk
If you prefer strengths to EFT, here are a few bits for you.
A colleague and friend in Germany interviewed me recently about the topic of strengths for his podcast. He asks deep questions and I had to have all my thinking caps on!
I'd love your thoughts on either of them. Agree? Disagree? Add your thoughts in a comment below the video or reply here. I so appreciate hearing from you!
With love,
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