Most of us have an Inner Critic. (And yes, some of us cringe when we hear the term, including me.)
It can be an awfully mean inner voice, that say things like:
- "Why can't I get this right?"
- "I'm a terrible person..."
- "Why did I do/say it like THAT?"
- "That was stupid!! What was I thinking??"
- "That was the worst performance [your thing] ever!"
- "Why can't I do it like Sally can?"
- And other, even meaner accusations
We tend to believe these thoughts without question. Then it leads to feelings and emotions like shame, guilt, embarrassment, sadness, failing, wanting to hide. Or fear, reluctance, resistance to learn and try new things, or 'to put ourselves out there'.
It's a challenge NOT to believe these thoughts, because they feel so real and so true.
What if we could understand the purpose of the Inner Critic and then find ways to work with it, rather than fight it or believe it?
That's what I'd love to invite you to experience.
Workshop: How to Calm your Inner Critic with EFT
Tuesdays, 28 July and 4 August 2020
9 am PT, 12 noon ET, 5 pm UK, 6 pm SA/Europe
Pre-launch Fee:
£10 prelaunch (around $12.50)
Fee goes up to £15 (around $18.50) on 21 July
What's included:
- 2 workshops of 90 minutes each
- 1st class: teaching, reflection, exploring, and group tapping
- 2nd class: customized tapping and personal attention
- Exploring, questions for reflecting, getting to know these inner voices a little, losing the fear of them through tapping, understanding their purpose, and how to calm it down with EFT. Lots of tapping and other helpful ways to soothe it, and us!
Feel free to drop me a note.
If you can't attend live, you'll receive a recording of the first class. Depending on the nature of the second class and confidentiality, a recording might be available. It is more valuable to attend in person.
The classes are safe, welcoming, and introvert-friendly - a community of like-minded gentle souls.
What others enjoyed about previous classes:
"The class was well laid out, had great flow, never felt like too much, felt very safe to explore what’s underneath."
"I loved hearing about other people's challenges as it's so helpful to know I'm not alone in all of this."
"I could relate to and benefit from others' situations."
I hope to see you there!
With love,
Do you know a sensitive soul who might benefit from my articles or work?
They can go here to receive a personalised message in their inbox.