Dear ,
A brief note today to let you know of these:
1. The Inner Critic Workshop - there's still time to participate
2. Special Topic Private Sessions, at a Special Rate (more below)
Workshop: How to Calm your Inner Critic with EFT
Tuesdays: you'll get the recording of 28 July, and 4 August 2020
9 am PT, 12 noon ET, 5 pm UK, 6 pm SA/Europe
£15 ($18.50)
You'll receive a recording of the first class. Please watch it before our 2nd class. Depending on what participants share in the second class and confidentiality, a recording might be available. It is more valuable to attend in person, since you'll receive personal support.
How to Register:
Drop me a note that you want to register, online registration is not available anymore.
What others enjoyed about this class:
"I've loved the explanations, so clear, detailed without being overwhelming, but helped me understand a lot how the Inner Critic works."
"I never fail to be deeply moved and changed by Liesel's workshops and this was no exception. She holds such a deep and caring space for all of us, a sacred space really that I feel truly safe to acknowledge and shift those tender places that for too long have hidden in the shadows."
Special Offer Single-Topic Sessions:
I'm offering special once-off sessions on specific topics. There are only 2 available slots per week in my calendar.
This week's Topic: Unworthy
Do you sometimes feel "unworthy" in the presence of others (colleagues, authorities), or in a particular setting, like when you want to raise your fees, or in an expensive boutique or .... [insert your circumstance]?
I'm exploring this topic in-depth at the moment. I've learned a specific and helpful way of working with it and am offering a few sessions at only 33% of my usual fee.
- One session per person
- We'll work specifically on "feeling unworthy"
- Sessions are 1 hour
- $50 payment (upfront)
- UK day time hours (9 am - 6 pm UK)
How you Benefit:
- A potentially life-changing session at 66% off
- A way to get to know how I work through a small investment
- Dropping some of your unworthy feelings and beliefs (I'm always open to the possibility that an issue could be fully dealt with in one hour, and it could require more work)
- All my 14 years of EFT knowledge, skill and experience
How I Benefit:
- The opportunity to practice something I want a firm grip on
- The chance to serve and do what I love
- Connect with you
- Applying the money for a course I'm attending in September so I can learn even deeper skills
Have a wonderful weekend!
With love,
Do you know a sensitive soul who might benefit from my articles or work?
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