Money, business, greed.... those are terms that the sensitive hearts I work with, often have trouble with.
Giving, helping, supporting.... those are terms that those same people are very comfortable with.
What do you do if you want to make a living with your strengths (helping people), yet talking about money, or 'charging' or even the word 'fees' bring up icky feelings?
I can remember the years that I softened it by using the word "Investment" instead of "Fee" or "Cost". I was still uncomfortable saying it straight out. Funny when I think about it now. :) I've cleared some of my 'stuff' around this topic and if this is something that's hard for you, I warmly invite you to this class for more ease around it.
On the menu this week:
1. October Class: Release Blocks around Charging for your Services
2. Conversation with Charo Pinilla of Tap Your Purpose
3. Strengths Snippets
October Class: Release Blocks around Charging for your Services
£40 (around $50)
13 and 20 October (attend both)
9 am PT / 12 pm ET / 5 pm UK / 6 pm SA
Each class is 90 minutes
You'll find it valuable
- If you are a caring solopreneur and find it a challenge to charge for your services
- If you're not sure if you can deliver the value they expect
- If you want to increase your fees but have doubts
- If you keep discounting your fees even though you really don't mean to
- If you think "My work is too intangible - I can't charge for it"
- If you give discounts to avoid criticism or rejection
- More reasons here....
What we'll do:
Well cover many different aspects of this issue (money beliefs, beliefs about business, self-worth, confidence, being caring and sensitive). We'll tap (EFT) to release the blocks, have time to reflect, participate in the chat box in a safe space. We'll spend time at the end with a simple road map and action plan for continuing to work on this issue, either by yourself or with support.
Remember - if you were a participant in the survey, use the coupon code I sent last week.
Know a friend with this challenge?
Conversation with Charo, of Tap your Purpose
Are you wondering why it's hard to talk about money?
Charo (my delightful tapping/entrepreneur colleague from Spain), and I had a conversation about this... and here's some of the topics we covered:
1. We're all unique - there are different reasons for everyone.
2. We have subconscious beliefs about money, business, and ourselves that influence how we think, feel and act in the world.
3. Our caring hearts and strengths want to support and help others... whether people pay us or not.
Wishing you a beautiful week ahead. If you need support in any way, please reach out so we can have a chat about what would be helpful to you.
With love,
Do you know a sensitive soul who might benefit from my articles or work?
They can go here to receive a personalised message in their inbox.
Hi, I'm Liesel!
I'm a sensitive introvert and I love supporting sensitive souls who are afraid of the spotlight (yet need to be more visible for their work or personal goals) to feel "Safe to be Seen".
There's a variety of ways we can work together. Liesel works with EFT tapping, CliftonStrengths, the Enneagram, coaching, NLP and other tools. If you have questions, please feel free to reply to this email.