A subscriber let me know there was a mistake with the day and date of this workshop.... So this is a quick correction email, in case it was confusing for you too.
This 90 min workshop will be ideal for you if:
- you already know EFT tapping
- you had difficult moments (or weeks!) during 2020
- you'd like to put that behind you and not drag it into 2021
- you prefer not to discuss detail about it
We're going to do something novel and fun to process some of it, so we can go into the holiday season with a lighter heart and spirit.
Bring the following:
- an open curious mind
- 3 blank pieces of paper
- any art supplies like crayons, felt tip pens, sharpies, pastels, colour pencils (even 3 colours will do, nothing fancy)
In case your worst fear is judgment or criticism, I'm certainly not going to ask you to produce a work of art and show it to everyone! It's going to be safe, private and confidential, and you'll learn a novel way to tap for challenges. Plus, you will more than likely feel lighter, and more present for yourself - and 2021.
Thursday 17 December 2020
9 am PT, 12 noon ET, 5 pm London, 7 pm SA
90 minutes online on Zoom (details when you register)
£10 (around $13).
Note - Current clients on 2 or 3 ongoing sessions per month attend free. Please email me for a coupon.
With love,
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