Welcome to a new year! It almost feels too late for me to say this. It's my first letter of 2021 and I would love to wish you a year of more ease, grace, resilience, and growth that will expand the places in you that were contracted before.
After what 2020 brought us (let's face it, not the easiest year in human history!), I have been faced with a few inner gremlins. I wonder if you can identify?
Usually I enthusiastically set new goals and intentions this time of year. I feel excited about possibilities, start dreaming about projects and what I'd like to do with this precious year.... and ummm.... maybe I had less enthusiasm than in other years! :)
I've heard similar things from so many clients, friends and colleagues. How do we go about 'goals as usual' when life is anything but normal?
I've written a few articles and short bits to explore this. I also want to share some of my offerings and how I can support you in the coming year.
Articles and snippets about Goals, Intentions and Directions
If you've been sitting with the question "How do I even begin to set goals when everything is so uncertain, and can change in a moment?" - this article might be helpful. Read some of the helpful comments below the article too!
I've learned through much personal experience that setting goals can lead to very big pressure and a false sense of 'failure' if we don't reach them. What if there's something more useful about setting goals than 'achievement'?
Do you choose a guiding word for the year ahead? I had trouble with mine last year - it was "Easy" and I clean forgot about it during all the challenges! This year, my word is....
I've heard so many (myself included!) think that 'EFT doesn't work'. If you've encountered this, here's a way that will help you understand better whether it 'works' or not - by steering the measurements away from 'yes/no' to 3 much more useful ones!
I usually share about my workshops, but not always about private offerings. As a reminder, here's how I can help you:
Packages to support you to gain clarity on career direction, next steps, your strengths are and where they will best be utilized, your values, career goals and concerns/fears. Sometimes it is necessary to clear up difficult career experiences from the past, in order to move forward with our full heart and passion. Our deepest core beliefs also manifest in our career and work life, and often that
is the place we need to work first.
Last year I saw many, many people confronted with enormous grief and loss, and not only through the death of loved ones. Those deep feelings do not simply disappear. In fact, if we ignore or deny them and 'carry on as usual', they tend to start creating health trouble for us. Talking from personal experience here!
If you have experienced any of the following, my new Grief Guidance Work can support you to process the deep, painful layers in healthful ways;
- Loss of income
- Loss of a dream or career
- Loss of a person or relationship
- Loss due to moving countries / considering that
- Loss of an identity (For instance - I was a CEO, my business folded, who am I now?)
How to Be Comfortable with Charging for your Healing/Coaching Services (Group Program)
This is a topic I see coming up over and over for many of the caring, introverted solopreneurs I work with! I'm planning a group program starting in mid-February, to support those who find it hard to charge decent fees for their healing or coaching services. If you're interested, or know someone who might be, please email me so I can add you to my list. This will be by invitation only, as
there are only 6 seats for this round at a Beta price.
2021 Workshops
During 2020, I offered an affordable workshop every month. During 2021, I'm planning such a workshop every second month, starting in February. If you think of topics that will be useful to you, please let me know, and look out for my polls during the year where I invite you to vote.
May you be happy, may you be healthy, may you thrive, and may you be loved.
With love,
Do you know a sensitive soul who might benefit from my articles or work?
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