We moved house almost 2 weeks ago! Whew, I'd forgotten what hard work it is. I don't yet have all my ducks in a row and was vacillating... Can I really host a workshop at this point? Just this morning I received total clarity: I want to, and I can, and I'd love to meet with you one more time before we wave 2020 goodbye.
And that's exactly the topic we'll look at... in a novel way!
This is a warm invitation to attend the last workshop for this year, at a really affordable fee this month. I'm so grateful to you in my community and want to say thank you in a small way.
At the end of 2019, so many people said it was a difficult year for them. Gosh, we didn't know what was about to hit us in 2020! And, we did survive. Here you are reading what I've just written. We might be carrying some battle scars... and that's why we're doing this class.
Want to join us to close this year on a lighthearted note with some creative EFT tapping?
This 90 min workshop will be ideal for you if:
- you already know EFT tapping
- you had difficult moments (or weeks!) during 2020
- you'd like to put that behind you and not drag it into 2021
- you prefer not to discuss detail about it
We're going to do something novel and fun to process some of it, so we can go into the holiday season with a lighter heart and spirit.
If you don't know EFT and want to attend, please reply to this email and I'll get you set up with the basics at a small fee. I'm not going to explain EFT, we're going to dive straight into using it.
Bring the following:
- an open curious mind
- 3 blank pieces of paper
- any art supplies like crayons, felt tip pens, sharpies, pastels, colour pencils (even 3 colours will do, nothing fancy)
In case your worst fear is judgment or criticism, I'm certainly not going to ask you to produce a work of art and show it to everyone! It's going to be safe, private and confidential, and you'll learn a novel way to tap for challenges. Plus, you will more than likely feel lighter, and more present for yourself - and 2021.
Tuesday 17 December 2020
9 am PT, 12 noon ET, 5 pm London, 7 pm SA
90 minutes online on Zoom (details when you register)
Most likely only for live participants, depending on what came up during the call. It's more fun to attend live, even for introverts!
Only £10 this month. (around $13).
Note - Current clients on 2 or 3 ongoing sessions per month attend free. Please email me for a coupon.
Thank you for being part of my community! Wishing you wellness, ease and kindness to yourself.
With love,
Do you know a sensitive soul who might benefit from my articles or work?
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