This is a hard topic. Not a popular one. Yet, every single one of us will have to face it sooner or later. Isn't it ironic that the one thing we all know for certain (no-one lives forever), is the topic we avoid?
2020 was a hard year with many losses. 2021 has already brought its own challenges, though things are looking up in some countries.
in one of the first EFT Tapping Worskhops I hosted for 'Pandemic Fear' in April 2020, I heard about the losses... loss of a dream, loss of normality, loss of precious people, loss of income, loss of a job, loss of beloved furrkids. So much pent-up sadness on top of the uncertainty and change!
It's a very painful thing and exactly for that reason that many people avoid talking about or feeling grief. Avoidance, however, has costs. Our health and mental well-being suffer as we suppress the intense feelings. It takes a huge amount of energy to keep pushing a ball under water... and that's what we do when we keep pushing our grief and sadness away.
If you voted for one of the other workshop topics (EFT Choices, Rejection, Money Fears), thank you for voting! They are still coming up later this year.
Date and Time:
Thursday 4 March 2021
9 am PT |12 noon ET | 5 pm UK | 7 pm SA
90 minutes
What we'll do:
We'll use EFT tapping (the safest, most gentle tool I know of) to process some of the sadness, loss, grief, anger and other feelings that may arise when we lose someone or something dear to us.
This is a practical workshop where we'll dive straight into tapping. If you want to participate and don't know EFT, please take a look here and then register.
To make it safe:
- Only 6 participants for an intimate, safe experience
- You can switch video off if you need, and I'll ask you to participate in the chat box so I know you're okay
- Recording only for participants
£20 (about $25) for 90 minutes of tapping and personal attention
Pay via Paypal or Credit Card
Thank you for being here! May you be happy, may you be healthy, may you thrive, and may you be loved.
With love,
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