I have so many things to share today!
Conventional marketing wisdom says it's not a good idea to talk about too many things in one letter - it can be overwhelming, and then the reader doesn't look at any of it.
However... there are so many valuable things that I want to share with you... and since I can't seem to write every week (still working on some consistency in some areas of my life!) - I'm hoping there will be at least one thing here that might catch your attention.
One of the things I've been thinking about is this:
It's almost a year ago that the UK went into lockdown for the first time. It was 23 March, 2020... I was busy with an online shopping order at the time of the announcement, around 8 pm. And by the end of the PM's speech, the Tesco online ordering system had crashed because so many people tried ordering at the same time. The same on Sainsbury's and others...
We've come through a lot, haven't we?
I've certainly learned a few things about myself and my reactions....about how resilient people are in the face of extreme difficulty and huge change in a short time. I stand amazed at our ability to adapt and roll with the punches.
Yes, of course I also acknowledge: it wasn't easy or pleasant. Some days I cried, felt waves of shock, anger, resentment, fury, sadness, horror as events unfolded in ways we could never have foreseen. And sleep, oh my word... the lack of sleep from worry and anxiety.
Yet, here we are, a year later. Life has taken on some form of new normal. We've had to adapt and change our lifestyle, whether we liked it or not. Elections have come and gone, mistakes have been made, protests for causes have happened, masks have become a normal sight (and just a few years ago covering your face was frowned upon and even met with fines!).
How weird is this thing called life... I marvel at the sense of humour that my curious mind can sometimes detect in all of this.
I've just read 2 incredible books by a survivor of childhood trauma (of the most severe kind). It's not for everyone. It's in my line of work and I can possibly stomach the thought of it because I find the human psyche, and its ability to recover from severe adversity, unbearably fascinating. I'll mention the books below, in case it's something that might interest
Resources and Articles
Two books by Carolyn Spring
Unshame and Recovery is my Best Revenge
The story of Carolyn's therapy to recover from severe childhood abuse. Her beautiful use of language was a balm as I tried to digest her remarkable journey of 9 years to recover from DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder). She does not mention the abuse in detail (else I could not have read it) - she writes about the therapy, therapist, her realisations, insights, belief changes and how hard it was to even go to therapy in the first place. I will re-read this book a few times, it touched me very
deeply. I learned a huge amount about shame, and how it can severely hamper our lives if not taken care of.
My own Medical/Dental Anxiety Journey
I embarked late last year on a journey of paying an EFT practitioner to help me finally get over my fear of dentists (and all sorts of medical procedures that involved poking and prodding) <grin>.
Support for Caring Sensitives
HSP's, empaths and other very caring souls often buckle under loads of 'caring' about things, people, and issues. When we carry too much, though, it subtracts from our own mental and physical health. I wrote an article and made a short video (with tapping) to help. I talk about the circles of concern, influence, and control.
How much can EFT really do in under half an hour?
Recently a well-seasoned tapper needed a quick bit of support. I wrote this article with her consent.
Interviews and Offerings
My beautiful friend and colleague, Kerry Lee, invited me in 2020 to share my beloved Strengths work with her Self Discovery Wisdom School participants. Do you know about 'Creative Constipation'? Then this might be fun to listen to!
She's opening the second round of this beautiful offering soon. In this interview, you'll see why I love her so much. She's bubbly, and talks about things like 'you can't do art wrong' - she brings a magical quality to her work. Please listen to this interview, I bet you'll love her too!
Kerry was invited to host a workshop for Sarah McCrum's followers - that's pretty big! If you don't know her, this lady wrote a beautiful book called "Love Money, Money Loves You".
More Ease with Charging for your Healing/Coaching Services (Group Program)
I see this coming up for many of the caring, introverted solopreneurs I work with! We're starting this coming week on Thursday 18 March, to support those who find it hard to charge decent fees for their healing or coaching services. There is space for only 1 more person in SA/UK Europe time zones. I'm keeping it deliberately very small for personal attention. We'll
meet 3 times, and this round is only $100. If you're interested, or know someone who might be, please reply.
Grief Workshop
The Grief workshop was a profound privilege to host. It was small and intimate and we released much pain and discomfort around loss. We think of grief as only the sad parts... it's not. Underneath or together with grief, we find many layers of anger, judgement, shock, shame and other difficult emotions. If your'e interested in another, I would love to host them more regularly with only
3-4 participants.
Coming up on 8 April! If you like the idea of 'positive words' while you tap, this workshop might be a great addition to your toolbox.
As you can see, I did have a boat load to talk about. May you be happy, may you be healthy, may you thrive, and may you be loved.
With love,
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