"Tadaaaa", I feel like announcing... my new website is finally out there in the cloud(s)! I'm not just talking about it anymore...
Do you celebrate when you accomplish a goal, or do you let it slip past and start aiming for the next thing on your list?
When my clients have 'a little thing' they mention in passing, I make sure to stop them so we can spend a few minutes
- acknowledging what it took to get there
- thinking about the strengths they used in the process
- celebrating that they stayed the course despite obstacles
- validating all the parts of them that worked hard in this process
This is an important step in any long journey or process. The parts of us that worked hard need validation, acknowledgement and appreciation.
As children we sometimes learn to discount our 'wins' and to keep soldiering on...
In my experience, that doesn't lead to a sustainable life. As sensitive people, wearing ourselves out is not going to produce lasting positive results. Celebration restores our empty tanks to a certain extent, as does rest and recovery.
So that's what I'll do now, too, with you as my witness. :)
Yes, it took a LOT! I'd been thinking about a new look-and-feel for years. I got stuck in decisions about simple things like colours and fonts. I started, and stopped... and almost didn't get going again. I wanted to throw in the towel sometimes and questioned my motivations... "Why am I even doing this big project??"
Still, something kept spurring me on... Maybe the faint little voice that since I created the 'old' website in 2013/2014, I've grown, transformed and embraced different aspects about myself. I wanted my web-home to reflect that.
In the process of stumbling, stopping, stalling, I realised yet again that we're not meant to be alone what the things that are hard for us.
We all have different strengths - and mine is most definitely not to make all those decisions by myself! I needed a helping, guiding, supporting, encouraging hand - and I found that. Thank you to my supportive, visionary, creative WordPress web weaver Ilse Lathouwers from Belgium! We met in a marketing
mentoring group and found resonance with each other as HSP Introverts. She even put me onto a new web host who charges far less than I used to pay.
Today I share
- The link to the website
- A thank you to those who've participated in the Research Conversations
- A poll to help me decide on new workshops
- A Strengths quote for those who detest competition
It took lots of surrendering and knowing that it's still not perfect. A few years ago I learned from a wonderful mentor (Hi D'vorah!) that we can 'Publish now, Polish later'. I'm proud of and grateful for how far it's come!
Feedback is welcome. If your eyes happen so see a glitch, a missing image or something that doesn't make sense, I sure would appreciate your input.
Just pop me a note with your findings. Thank you!
Research Conversations - Thank You!
It's been a joy to connect with those who have set up these conversations with me. Thank you so much - it's helped me a great deal and I intend to plow some of the wonderful ideas you've shared with me, into my business in due course.
If you haven't set up one and you're curious, here's what it's about:
I offer multiple solutions... and it can be a challenge to know what is most useful. The answer is not in my mind - it's in yours! Can I ask your help please?
I am looking for 3 more people who this is a fit for:
- You're an introvert, ambivert and/or sensitive person (HSP, Empath, sensitive)
- You are willing to spend an hour with me
- I have a few questions for you in the first 30 minutes
- In exchange, you get 30 mins of free support for anything in my expertise, for instance (not limited to)
- EFT tapping (how to, or we'll actually do it on the call)
- questions about strengths
- setting goals, values, direction
- making choices
- careers for introverts
- anything about introversion or sensitivity
- [what would your question be to me?]
Pop me a note, and I'll set you up. Thank you!
Quote: For those who detest competition
Over the 6 years I've been working with CliftonStrengths and introverts, I've seen how man of them have the 'Competition' strength in the part of their talents that are 'draining' for them.
This means that even the thought of competing has them feel tired, uninspired or reluctant to engage in the activity.
That's why this quote makes so much sense for those sensitive introverts... When we know our unique strengths, there IS NO competition.
When you know exactly how uniquely and beautifully you've been put together, you'll realise that competition is unnecessary. You simply won't feel like you're competing anymore. No-one else can ever, ever be like you - with your strengths, history, background, values, skills, knowledge, expertise....
When we know the strengths we can absolutely always rely on, we gain rock-solid confidence in what we bring. We never have to feel the need to compete, ever again.
"If you're able to be yourself, then you have no competition. All you have to do is get closer and closer to that essence. " - Barbara Cook
Since I've still been recovering from the stairs-tumble and self-care was a priority, I have not run workshops in the past 2 months. (I have about 5 blog posts I want to write about the recovery experience!)
I'm starting to feel the pull again for a workshop (a good sign!) and would love your input please.
It's a FB poll where you can vote by clicking 'like' or 'love' on each comment, so I can count the votes.
If there's a topic that's front and center for you right now, I would love to hear it in a comment below that post.
Thank you for helping me to decide what is most useful!
May you be happy, may you be healthy, may you thrive and embrace your strengths, and may you be loved and supported.
With love,
Do you know a sensitive soul who might benefit from my articles or work?
They can go here to receive a personalised message in their inbox.
Hi, I'm Liesel!
I'm a sensitive introvert who loves supporting other sensitive souls to go beyond what they thought were possible for them. We'll work through your fears, concerns and emotional blocks, and support you to make the most of your strengths for authentic confidence. There's a variety of ways we can work together. Liesel works with EFT tapping, CliftonStrengths, the Enneagram, coaching, NLP and other tools. If you have questions,
please feel free to reply to this email.