Over the course of the few weeks that I held 'Research interviews' in exchange for free support, I learned so many good things I can now use in my business. If you were a participant - thank you again!
One of the things I heard was "I got to know you through EFT. I've heard you mention Strengths... but I still don't really know what they are or what you mean."
What useful clue for me! I'll be writing a few more articles about Strengths, what they are, how they work, why it's so useful for us to know our own, and that of others.
I've been doing a lot of Strengths work with clients recently and have absolutely loved their reactions. It's affirming, validating, it explains so many of our past apparent 'mistakes' and decisions, and it can really be life changing.
Today I share
- A brand new article on exactly that!
- A conversation about Strengths and Sensitivity
- A quote with one of the benefits of knowing our strengths
- A new group strengths offering
First: What is a Strength?
Every human being has strengths and weaknesses. It’s not always easy to spot them for ourselves, because they are so normal to us that we’re like a fish in the water with them. Both areas can be in our blind spots.
We may not think our strengths are very special at all because they come so easily to us. Sometimes other people can spot them for us, but they might mistake “You’re so good with that thing you do” for a true strength. Sometimes we actually hate doing that thing they’re talking about – which is most definitely not a strength then.
A strength is not something we’re merely good at. A strength is something that makes us feel energized, alive, strong and we want to keep doing it. They are natural patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving, combined with time investment, which leads to almost perfect results every time we do it.
On the opposite spectrum, we have our weaknesses – the thinking, feeling and behaving that have us feel drained, resistant, weak and “I don’t want to do this ever again!” These patterns (strengths) and non-patterns (weaknesses) are different for each of us.
Below the article is an invitation to send me your questions. What else are you wondering about?
A Strengths Conversation about Sensitivity and Support
Last year during the pandemic, many sensitive souls (including myself) went through a very hard time watching difficult things around us.
I asked my Strengths Mentor and coach, Dries Lombaard, how sensitive souls can still make a difference - even if they're not comfortable on the front lines of protests. That can make us feel guilty sometimes - because we absolutely care about causes yet we likely don't have 'Activist' written on our foreheads.
This is a very sweet conversation that had me in tears at the end. If you're a sensitive person (HSP), it might do the same for you. Dries also explains more about what our strengths are, and the difference between strengths that can "sense" (sense-itive) and the ones that don't sense as
Quote: Your Worth
"You're always a valuable, worthwhile human being. Not because anybody says so, not because you're successful, not because you make a lot of money - but because you decide to believe it and for no other reason." Dr Wayne Dyer.
This can be hard to take in because we hear so many messages to the contrary.
-- If you're successful, then you'll be valuable.
-- If you earn a lot of money, then you'll be valuable.
-- If you have a full client roster, then you'll be worthwhile.
-- If you charge 'what you're worth', then you'll be worth something (note on this below)
-- If you stay busy, you'll show that you have value.
I work with clients who got those messages as children in so many subtle layers - and we still get it as adults.
I'm here to reiterate with Dr Wayne Dyer, that you're valuable and worthwhile just as you are.
You don't have to be anything that you are not already. You don't have to try harder. You don't have to work harder, be busier, charge more, have more clients, earn more... to have intrinsic worth.
If it still feels hard to take in and believe, I get that. Those messages in the subconscious that tell us it's conditional, are powerful and feel like the absolute truth. It can even feel dangerous to try to change that.
A powerful way to help us to clear out the emotional charge around it with EFT (tapping), so that you can put your full heart behind this thought.
You ARE, indeed, a valuable worthwhile human being, just because you exist. And when you know your strengths, this is much easier to fully believe.
PS: by the way - I have a lot to say about 'Charge what you're worth'! It fills my whole nervous system with an 'ick'. If you're a practitioner, coach or healer - what are your thoughts about this?
Strengths Group Offering
I do SO love the strengths work, as you can tell. It's my heart's desire to have many more people find out how awesome they already are, and the value they already bring, without having to change anything about themselves.
Not everyone can afford a whole strengths journey of 6-12 private sessions. At $900-$1,800, I really get that.
My strengths offerings are also really unique because I add tapping when anything difficult pops up - we're all human and sometimes we don't accept a strength because we received labels or negative messages about it.
Would you be interested in an affordable group offering where:
- You'll get to meet your Top 5 Strengths in detail in a private session with me
- We'll have 4 group calls
- The group will be kept small (6-10)
- You'll get to learn all the things I share with private clients about
- how your talents interplay
- how unique you are
- talent management (well managed & miss-managed)
- the roles our strengths can play for us
- creating a strengths statement (that you can use in various places like a CV)
- contributions and needs of your Top 5
- a values exercise for your top 5
- your possible blind spots
- how to make the most of your talents
- various exercises and further studying material
- and if anything difficult crops up around your talents - we always have tapping to help us!
I have talked so many people recently who are longing for a community. This will give you that with kind-hearted kindred souls who are interested in making the most of what they already have - their strengths!
Fee: For one private call and 4 group calls: $250
CliftonStrengths Assessment Fee: $15 for the Top 5 assessment if you have not done it yet.
interested? Pop me a note and I'll add you to the waiting list!
May you be happy, may you be healthy, may you thrive and embrace your strengths, and may you be loved and supported.
With love,
Do you know a sensitive soul who might benefit from my articles or work?
They can go here to receive a personalised message in their inbox.
Hi, I'm Liesel!
I'm a sensitive introvert who loves supporting other sensitive souls to go beyond what they thought were possible for them. We'll work through your fears, concerns and emotional blocks, and support you to make the most of your strengths for authentic confidence. There's a variety of ways we can work together. Liesel works with EFT tapping, CliftonStrengths, the Enneagram, coaching, NLP and other tools. If you have questions,
please feel free to reply to this email.