It’s not really ‘failure’ that we fear. “Failure” is just a word - which cannot harm us.
What we really fear, is the result of a failure: usually a feeling or emotion.
Difficult emotions like embarrassment, humiliation, shame, guilt, disappointing a colleague, letting someone down, the look in their eye, the regret, the sadness… maybe even rejection and an absence of love. An icy silence.
THAT is what we really fear.
It can prevent us from:
- enjoying our work
- finding new work
- writing a book
- reaching for a goal
- learning a new skill
- practicing a hobby we love
- growth and development
- progress
It can also lead to
- trying too hard
- perfectionism
- working on a project for far longer than necessary
- exhaustion
- never resting or taking time out
In this 90 min tapping workshop, you'll
- get a chance to reflect and explore around this topic,
- use effective, targeted EFT tapping to process and release this fear
- so you can step forward into the progress you desire
My workshops are introvert-friendly. It's safe, confidential, and no-one is ever put on the spot. We mostly use the 'chat' feature to communicate.
Recordings are usually available only for those who attend, due to the sensitive nature.
Register here
I look forward to welcoming you there!
** Why do I offer Early Bird? At this stage, there's no pretty sales page. It helps me determine whether there's enough interest in the topic. Once I've created the sales page with a video, the fee goes up.