
Career related news, tips, podcasts and updates

Let your arms rest... and health meet-up

Published: Tue, 08/08/23

Support Dear On a Personal Note I hope you're doing well, wherever you are. Happy Women's Day on 9 August if you're a South African, and if you're in…

Invitation to work 1-1 with me

Published: Mon, 07/31/23

Opportunities for Health Support Dear On a Personal Note Thank you so much if you were one of the dear brave souls who volunteered for the case study.

Health Case Study Opportunity

Published: Mon, 07/24/23

Opportunities for Health Support Dear On a Personal Note How is it that 20 days have already passed since my previous email?! Either you or I had been…

The Life Changing Magic of Small Successes

Published: Tue, 07/04/23

Small changes and successes are do-able Dear On a Personal Note Have you ever had strawberry-stress? That's when your strawberry patch is overflowing…

Five Messages from a Giant Sequoia

Published: Wed, 06/21/23

Messages from my big tree Dear On a Personal Note The heatwave is over in the UK, yet the dry weather persists in our area, while other parts of the…

Insights on Loss, Healing, and Support

Published: Tue, 06/06/23

There's no one way to grieve. Dear On a Personal Note It's that time of the year... we're hard at work in our veggie garden again after it's finally…

Special Opportunity to work 1-1 with me

Published: Mon, 05/01/23

Invitiation to work with me 1-1 & Grief conversation. Dear On a Personal Note Happy May Day! As this email reaches your inbo, it's a public holiday in…

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