
Career related news, tips, podcasts and updates

Why Minding Strengths Eases Tough Tasks 💪

Published: Tue, 07/09/24

Updated: Tue, 07/09/24

Why some tasks are harder than others Dear On a Personal NoteMy veggie story of the week: It's been unbelievably rainy and cool so far this summer in…

Annual Survey and my Hat

Published: Fri, 07/05/24

Win a session Dear The briefest of notes today. I'm so grateful that you are here, reading some of my thoughts and offers. It's very important to me…

Knee-injury Success Story

Published: Mon, 07/01/24

If it's possible for one, it's possible for all. Dear On a Personal Note If you've read my newsletters for the past 2 or 3 years, you will know this…

Big Change and Transformation

Published: Thu, 06/20/24

Tips and thoughts Dear On a Personal NoteIf this is your first time receiving my newsletter, a very warm welcome! Summer is finally here in the UK!…

When Stuff Happens that we did not Plan

Published: Fri, 06/07/24

Strategies to manage Dear On a Personal Note We could not go for a weekend for my birthday this year - though we did have a really fantastic day in a…

Inspiring quotes, articles and videos

Published: Mon, 05/20/24

Best articles and videos of the past few months Dear On a Personal NoteWe went into London yesterday to vote in the South African elections. Overseas…

Clearing the Path to Healing

Published: Wed, 05/15/24

Blocks to healing Dear On a Personal NoteI never knew what a big discussion point the UK weather really was, till I landed in England and e perienced…

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