Published: Thu, 04/11/19
Dear Blushing confession: I keep meaning to write every week and have no idea where the time goes. Well... actually - I DO know. It goes into all the…
Published: Wed, 03/27/19
Dear Last time I wrote about the 4 signs of your strengths. 4 indicators (Success, Instinct, Growth and Need) are really great clues to help you…
Published: Fri, 03/08/19
Dear We’re taught in so many places that there’s something wrong with us. We get this message from a very early age through parents and other adults.
Published: Mon, 02/11/19
Dear I hope you had a great weekend! I attended the EFT AAMET Scientific Symposium in London on Saturday and will write an update on that. Oh my word,…
Published: Fri, 02/01/19
Dear I had a few thoughts in the past month around "Celebrating". Not birthdays, anniversaries or other people's achievements. Nope. Celebrating our…
Published: Fri, 01/25/19
Dear I hear so often from my introvert and sensitive clients: "I'm procrastinating again!" In my recent Survey, I discovered that 70% of those who…
Published: Thu, 01/10/19
Dear I hope you had a wonderful festive season and I wish you a 2019 that's so good you don't want it to end! A precious friend wished that for me and…
Published: Tue, 12/18/18
Dear If you're anything like me, I'm winding down for the festive season and am looking back at the year that's just whizzed by. It's our second…
Published: Wed, 12/12/18
Dear Can you remember the last time you attended a meeting, a workshop, a gathering of a few people... and had to sit there and listen to one person…
Published: Mon, 11/19/18
Dear Fear of conflict goes deep for many of us, especially for sensitive introverts. Imagine a situation where you did e perience conflict. It might…