
Career related news, tips, podcasts and updates

Happy 2018, !

Published: Sun, 12/31/17

Dear, Wishing you a beautiful 2018 filled with love, abundance, health, fun, development and joy.I know that our wishes, goals, hopes and dreams don't…

Hello - Tall Poppies and the Fear of Judgment

Published: Tue, 12/19/17

Dear, This past week I wrote about Tall Poppy Syndrome on my Facebook Page, and it had some surprising reactions. I thought to share my thoughts here…

Hello - Every end is a new beginning.....

Published: Mon, 12/11/17

Dear, Have you felt this before? The 'call' to some huge change that will give you a fresh start in an area of your life? It can be scary, I know, and…

Hello - A dose of kindness for you today

Published: Mon, 11/13/17

Dear, I've you've been in my community for a while, you'll know that I have not written in many weeks. We're busy relocating to the UK from South…

Hello - "Conflict!" - What's your reaction?

Published: Wed, 08/02/17

Dear, I’ve just returned from attending an incredible workshop in CT, presented by my friend Bennie Naude. The workshop taught me how to “Fall in Love…

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