
Career related news, tips, podcasts and updates

Invitation: Mindful Mid Year Tapping Pause

Published: Fri, 08/21/20

Invitation to a Tapping class Dear The image above made me laugh... and at the same time there's a well of sadness I notice. The picture is almost…

Uncertainty and our Strange new World

Published: Fri, 08/07/20

Invitation to tapping circles Dear I’ve spoken to many friends, clients and others over the past few months about the massive amounts of uncertainty…

Invitation: Class and Special Offer Sessions

Published: Fri, 07/31/20

Why tap on the negative stuff? Dear, A brief note today to let you know of these: 1. The Inner Critic Workshop - there's still time to participate 2.

Invitation: July Class - Pre-launch Sale

Published: Fri, 07/17/20

Why tap on the negative stuff? Dear Most of us have an Inner Critic. (And yes, some of us cringe when we hear the term, including me.) It can be an…

I just want to be able to think again!

Published: Fri, 06/19/20

Invitation to tapping circles Dear Recent (and continuing) world events have certainly upset many apple carts. We've learned to live with uncertainty…

New Course: Safe in the Spotlight

Published: Mon, 06/15/20

Invitation to tapping circles Dear I have two topics on my mind today: Anti-Racism and Fearing Visibility. On some levels, these topics are not…

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