
Career related news, tips, podcasts and updates

Season's Greetings and Gratitude

Published: Tue, 12/24/24

Thank you for being in my community Dear On a Personal Note The briefest of notes on this day. Merry Christmas, if you celebrate! May it be a…

Blessings, Plans and Self-Care

Published: Wed, 12/04/24

Planning vs plans, and being good to yourself Dear On a Personal NoteDepending on when you're reading this, I might be winging my way to beautiful…

Gratitude & Sacred Nights of Winter Journal

Published: Wed, 11/27/24

An inward journey over the dark days of winter Dear On a Personal Note Happy Thanksgiving, if you're in the US! I'm very grateful that you choose to…

Gloom, Health Journeys and an Invitation

Published: Tue, 11/19/24

Tips and thoughts about Health concerns Dear On a Personal Note We're preparing for our annual long trip to South Africa and I can't wait for some…

Permission to Rest

Published: Tue, 11/05/24

Tips and thoughts Dear On a Personal Note I've recently decided to embark on a super healthy eating plan - partly to help me shed a few pounds before…

Invitation: Tapping For a Lighter Life

Published: Thu, 09/19/24

Come Lose the heaviness with a lovely group Dear I'm noticing so many people dealing with "heavy" circumstances. And that brings with it a heavy…

The Inner Game of Aging

Published: Mon, 09/09/24

How EFT Tapping can help Dear On a Personal NoteIf you're new to my humble writings, a very warm welcome! Several people have joined us recently as a…

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